Performing Arts Prize Brogan Evans (Dance Choreograpghy). Science/Maths Prize Hassan Imra (Completed three projects for Maths, Further Maths and Physics). Apr 9, 2015 . In second place was the piece 'Alpha Male', created by Brogan Evans, from Richard Rose Central Academy;; Third place was awarded to . CO 3-2 in the Nearest Major Merger at 50 pc Resolution. WHITMORE, BROGAN, EVANS, JOHNSON, HIBBARD, LEROY, SHETH ET AL. (IN PREP. ) . 1. Cultural Events Management. 14186831. Jennifer Samuels. Full Time. 1. Dance. 14138767. Brogan Evans. Full Time. 1. Dance. 12209915. Rebekah Murray. McEwan, Nate Johnson, Hayze Fimbres, Logan Nelson, Ashlyn Petersen, Hailey Christensen, Max Leifson, Eden Mattinson, JaCoby Jenks, Brogan Evans. Aug 20, 2007 . 1, Justin Lysaght, 18, Forward/Goalie. 2, Jason Pastorious, 97, Forward/Goalie. 3, Tim Dwyer, 02, Forward. 4, Brogan Evans, 36, Goalie. announced as: Years 3 and 4 Brogan Evans,. Years 5 and 6 Isabella Menendez and Years 7 and 8 Richard Matthews. Well done to everyone who took part in . Apr 27, 2015 . After college student Brogan Evans suddenly collapsed, doctors at UC Irvine Healthcare's H. H. Chao Comprehensive Digestive Disease .
2 days ago . Jenna practically swoons at the feet of Jules and Brogan Evans, but unbeknownst to her, the Evans brothers know Jenna's father. She soon .
2 days ago . Jenna practically swoons at the feet of Jules and Brogan Evans, but unbeknownst to her, the Evans brothers know Jenna's father. She soon .
2 days ago . Jenna practically swoons at the feet of Jules and Brogan Evans, but unbeknownst to her, the Evans brothers know Jenna's father. She soon . .