Chris Migone

autoscopia: Chris_MigoneArtist active in sound, image and text. Works with attempts, spills, slips, impossibilities, oscillations, minuscules, contractures, and holds. christofmigone. com. In Groups: Set Fire To Flames, Undo (2). Variations: Viewing All | Christof Migone · Chris | Chris Migone | Christof | Christophe | Migone . #8, Chris Migone (Montreal Gig / 20 Sep 89), : 31. #9, Listened to the shadows down a long corridor of La Reine, : 35. Elizabeth, first UFO sighting. maid . May 3, 2006 . Chris Migone resigned as editor of the national chart after two years of excellent work. Ed Skira and David Akerman, both of CHRY, are now . Feb 21, 2006 . Chris Migone resigned as editor of the national chart after two years of excellent work. Ed Skira and David Akerman, both of CHRY, are now . SAO/NASA ADS General Science Abstract Service. Feb 26, 2007 . davidngmccallum 4 years ago. chris migone is rolling in his grave. hairhorn 4 years ago. sorry it's so offensive. davidngmccallum 4 years ago . South Winds - Chris Migone > Oral 03 • Addy en el pais de las frutas y los chunches - Francisco Lopez > Alien8recordings 35. 26. 01. 03. ESPACES disques.

Ie souhaite souligner les efforts de Chris Migone et . the efforts of Chris Migone and Bryan Zuraw, who admirably filled Claude Schryer's shoes while he was . Public en salle à Lisbonne, Laboratoire ouvert à Québec, (Janvier). Avec Chris Migone, David Michaux, Fabrice Montal, Boris Firquet, Pierre Bernier, Carlos . Stimmen, Laute und Geräusche: Leopold von Verschuer. Klangminiaturen: Chris Migone. Regie: Hein Brühl. Prod. : WDR Studio Akustische Kunst 2001. WDR 3.

Ie souhaite souligner les efforts de Chris Migone et . the efforts of Chris Migone and Bryan Zuraw, who admirably filled Claude Schryer's shoes while he was . Public en salle à Lisbonne, Laboratoire ouvert à Québec, (Janvier). Avec Chris Migone, David Michaux, Fabrice Montal, Boris Firquet, Pierre Bernier, Carlos . Stimmen, Laute und Geräusche: Leopold von Verschuer. Klangminiaturen: Chris Migone. Regie: Hein Brühl. Prod. : WDR Studio Akustische Kunst 2001. WDR 3.

Ie souhaite souligner les efforts de Chris Migone et . the efforts of Chris Migone and Bryan Zuraw, who admirably filled Claude Schryer's shoes while he was . Public en salle à Lisbonne, Laboratoire ouvert à Québec, (Janvier). Avec Chris Migone, David Michaux, Fabrice Montal, Boris Firquet, Pierre Bernier, Carlos . Stimmen, Laute und Geräusche: Leopold von Verschuer. Klangminiaturen: Chris Migone. Regie: Hein Brühl. Prod. : WDR Studio Akustische Kunst 2001. WDR 3.

Ie souhaite souligner les efforts de Chris Migone et . the efforts of Chris Migone and Bryan Zuraw, who admirably filled Claude Schryer's shoes while he was . Public en salle à Lisbonne, Laboratoire ouvert à Québec, (Janvier). Avec Chris Migone, David Michaux, Fabrice Montal, Boris Firquet, Pierre Bernier, Carlos . Stimmen, Laute und Geräusche: Leopold von Verschuer. Klangminiaturen: Chris Migone. Regie: Hein Brühl. Prod. : WDR Studio Akustische Kunst 2001. WDR 3 . .