My colleague at the Institute for the Future, David Pescovitz, stuck my face on BoingBoing in the link to the Accidental Cyborg article (yikes! . David Pescovitz's SignalsClothing as cameraUsing virtual reality to "swap bodies "See with your skin?Rerouting amputees' sense of touch from fingers to . Boing Boing's David Pescovitz looks at technology that blurs the boundaries . Boing Boing's David Pescovitz on the merits of burying your dead yourself . Related: read a feature about TCHO by David Pescovitz in the current issue of MAKE Magazine, Timothy and the Chocolate Factory. . David Pescovitz. POSTED AT 10:40 AM October 20, 2009 . David Pescovitz and Xeni Jardin Editors. Rob Beschizza Managing Editor . David Pescovitz (david@pesco. net) thinks and writes about technology, art, science, and the future from his home in San Francisco. . The latest news on David Pescovitz, from NPR, Public Broadcast Partners, plus thousands of other news sources worldwide. High-quality photos, articles, . The latest news on David Pescovitz, from thousands of sources worldwide. High- quality photos, articles, blog posts, quotes, and more.
David Pescovitz. David is MAKE's editor-at-large, co-editor of the blog BoingBoing. net, and a research director at Institute for the Future. . Read articles by David Pescovitz and view David Pescovitzs news credibility record. David Pescovitz, Mark Frauenfelder, me, Xeni Jardin, John Battelle, Smoke House, Burbank, CA. jpg. Author. Cory Doctorow from London, UK. Permission . David Pescovitz (david@pesco. net) is co-editor of the popular weblog BoingBoing. net and a research director with the Institute for the Future. Since 1993, David Pescovitz has been the coeditor of Boing Boing, now one of the most trafficked blogs on the planet. A research director for the Institute . RSS Feeds Newsletter Signup Newsletters Bookmark. ScientificAmerican. com > David Pescovitz. Articles By: David Pescovitz. 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006. No Results . Posted by David Pescovitz, August 2, 2009 10:51 PM | permalink. Gamagoyeti Images D Detail 468-02. I really dig this new "Yeti Kong" t-shirt by our pals at . In January 2002 David Pescovitz & Brad Wieners revisited 'Reality Check' their 1996 Wired Books publication which estimated a future timeline for personal.
Jun 2, 2007 . San Francisco's 7X7 Magazine has a profile on David Pescovitz of Boing Boing and Make Magazine for the “Best of the Day” section of their . Top tracks from Xeni Jardin, Mark Frauenfelder, Cory Doctorow, David Pescovitz: Russell Porter with Dan le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip, John Hodgman: More . DAVID PESCOVITZ Co-editor, Boing Boing; Research Affiliate, Institute for the Future; Editor-at-Large, MAKE: We're Recognizing That the World Is a . Related: read a feature about TCHO by David Pescovitz in the current issue of MAKE Magazine, Timothy and the Chocolate Factory. . The modern version of the story is provided by Brad Wieners and David Pescovitz. Reality Check is a book with ambitious goals, but it fails to achieve them. . Cory Doctorow, Xeni Jardin, David Pescovitz, Mark Frauenfelder, Violet Blue - MP3 Search, Cory Doctorow, Xeni Jardin, David Pescovitz, Mark Frauenfelder, . David Pescovitz, co-editor of BoingBoing. net and Research Dir. at Institute for the Future live now: mms://media. citris. berkeley. edu/webcast. Articles about David Pescovitz · Hey Target Market — Er, I Mean Happy Mutants March 4, 2009. Posted in Uncategorized. .
David Pescovitz is co-editor of the popular weblog BoingBoing. net and also editor-at-large for MAKE:, the DIY technology magazine. Pescovitz co-wrote the . David Pescovitz, writer-in-residence at the University of California-Berkeley's College of . David Pescovitz October 12, 2002. Thank you very much. . Keyboard Cat t-shirt Posted by David Pescovitz, July 17, 2009 2:17 PM | permalink Katkeyboardtttttt A t-shirt design by OXEN over at Threadless. . Aug 4, 2006 . by David Pescovitz. George Brimhall also teaches a groundbreaking undergraduate course titled, "Crossroads of Earth Resources and Society: . Nov 23, 2005 . GETV Guest Correspondent and NoOne's Listening's Irene McGee catches up with David Pescovitz, co-editor of BoingBoing, . Jun 5, 2008 . David Pescovitz, Mark Frauenfelder, me, Xeni Jardin, . 360×329 (23 KB), Pruneau, ({{Information |Description= w:David Pescovitz and w:Mark . David Pescovitz, plus “Mary,” write letters to RE/Search . Our friend the Boing-Boing editor David Pescovitz recently wrote us, “Hi you guys! . GETV Guest Correspondent and NoOnes Listenings Irene McGee catches up with David Pescovitz, co-editor of BoingBoing, at the World Technology Summit in San . .