Directory. ac is a human-edited Business Directory, business search engine and professional spam free published website directory listing of many businesses. Dec 12, 2011 . A directory assembled by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization . [Editor's Note: The Electronic Literature Directory is a community-driven endeavor that seeks to identify and describe works of electronic literature that appear . Privacy Notice: This campus directory is the property of UCLA. To protect the privacy of the individuals listed herein, in accordance with the State of California . Search. Search for: Anyone Student Faculty/Staff. You also can use the advanced search. Wildcards and other special characters are removed from the search. Professional web directory offering premium and free submissions. Locate the most suitable category before you submit your site. Kurt Vonnegut, meet Brenda Walsh. This blog pairs images from TV shows with literary quotes, blending high & low culture to hilarious effect. Brooklyn, NY . Web Directory - Submit your website for free to the internet's fastest growing directory! - Dmegs. com.
The Apache Directory Project provides directory solutions entirely written in Java. These include a directory server, which has been certified as LDAP v3 . Web Directory - Submit your website for free to the internet's fastest growing directory! Category based and cross-referenced. Directory of Apps. Web Applications. Art (97); Blog Tools (121); Bookmarking ( 142); Browser / Browsing (321); Buy / Sell (335); Chat / VoIP (126); CMS (5) . ASU Directory: Search for Students, Faculty and Staff. A keyword can help find faculty: sustainability (example), economy (example), etc. Go to Advanced Search . E-commerce and Shopping Online: Looking to do some online shopping? Categorised and reviewed directory of online shopping sites. Worldwide. In. Browse More Business Listings #ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. Business. com Home | About Us | Find Vendors | Business How To Guides | Business . Elected Officials Directory. Navigate the Capitol, Download Pocket Map. Read bios of and get current personal data for the 242 occupants of the state's highest . Travel and tourism information. Contact official government tourist information centres around the world.
Comprehensive business directory in the US that allows customers to locate what . United States internet business directory. uscity. net a national network of . To suggest a site for the directory email us at directory@myopenid. com with the name of the site, the URL, and a brief description. Search: Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . The directory provides addresses and contact information for the 187 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies who are members of the International . Mix Your Own Podcast. Use this tool to build a custom podcast of various topics, musicians, personalities and NPR programs. [Help]. 1. Name your podcast . Design directory is a comprehensive international design links database. Directory of Development Organizations; Resource guide to development organizations and the internet. Login to your National Resource Directory account by entering your email address and password below. Email Address. Password. Cancel · Forgot your . Results from the People directory for A A - azusa sakata. Search Facebook for more People with names like A A - azusa sakata.
Use this directory service to find and contact students, faculty and staff at Georgetown University. Find extensions for your Joomla site in the Joomla Extensions Directory, the official directory for Joomla components, modules and plugins. Use our online directory to find phone numbers, addresses, maps and directions for businesses and people in the U. S. We recently updated the information . Student Directory Information is not available. Printable Campus Telephone Directories- PDF Format You will need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and . Most of the content in this directory was developed by Google users. Google makes no representations about its performance, quality, or content. Google doesn't . More Accurate. Updated weekly, Foundation Directory Online provides the most accurate details available on U. S. funders and their grants. People directory search of the University of Denver. Mar 9, 2010 . Provides directory information such as names, titles, addresses, departments, contact numbers, user IDs, email and homepage addresses, . .