EDWARD KASPEL - TRAPPED IN AMBER (LP by Plinkity Plonk) The Penny Black postage stamp that graces this new Kaspel album is something quite special; . actully it is really quite good - one of my favorite edward-kaspel solo projects I don't have the companion 10" so if whoever out there does have would let me . The latest offering from the legendary Cevin Key (Skinny Puppy, Download, Tear Garden, Plateau) featuring collaborators Phil Western, Edward Kaspel, Ken . Edward Kaspel: It's basically a band of friends. Back in 1980, it was myself, Phil, who plays keyboards, and a girl named April. We lived in the same area and . Edward Kaspel. This entry was posted in Vinyl. Bookmark the permalink. Comments are closed, but you can leave a trackback: Trackback URL. « The Masks . May 11, 2012 . Mr. Edward Ka-spel is the front man for an underground yet epic band known as the Legendary Pink Dots. He's also a solo . . John Fryer, Jim Thirlwell, Merzbow, Kris Force, Lustmord, PanSonic, Mark Spybey, Steven Severin, Chris Connelly, Alan Sparhawk, Neurosis, Edward KaSpel, . Speaking of Edward Kaspel, you never mentioned the Legendary Pink Dots anywhere! What gives? A. Well, actually, I couldn't really think of any category the .
. Chris Christopherson (Coil), Graham Lewis (Wire), Richard Sinclair (Caravan / Camel), Winston Tong, Blane Reininger (Tuxedemoon), Edward Kaspel (LPD) . 3. Troum, Germany's finest drone band 4. Edward Kaspel, of the Legendary Pink Dots 5. cEvin Key, of Skinny Puppy and Download 6. Robert Hampson, of Main, . Oct 21, 2011 . Miserere - Edward Kaspel remix, 15:32. (loading lyrics. ) 6. Saccades I - Yoshiko Ohara remix, 04:22. (loading lyrics. ) 7. Saccades II - Portal . . with artists such as Matmos, Edward KaSpel of Legendary Pink Dots, Mark Spybey and Cevin Key, hellothisisalex, Rapoon, Andrew Duke and John Chantler. liner notes and films for Selektion), with the possible participation of Rudolf Ebner, Edward Kaspel, Scott and Karla Foust (of Idea Fire Company), Dave Grubbs . Dec 27, 2008. Bill Laswell, Jim Thirlwell, Lustmord, Mark Spybey, Steven Severin, Chris Connelly, Alan Sparhawk, Neurosis, Edward KaSpel, William Faith, . Dec 10, 2013 . I'm not sure if it's cheating to throw Edward Kaspel in here since so much of what he does isn't exactly singing anyway, but this weird poetic . Dec 9, 2013. Merzbow, Mark Spybey, Steven Severin, Chris Connelly, Alan Sparhawk, Neurosis, Edward KaSpel, William Faith, Monica Richards, David J, .
Apr 4, 2014 . Die Partei, Black Mass Lucifer/Morton Garson & der Plan, Clock DVA, Cabaret Voltaire, Current 93, Hirsuite Pursuit, Edward Kaspel/LPD. early . Oct 5, 2011 . We've got a lot of heavy doom / avant metal artists on this album, but we also have people like Edward Kaspel from the Legendary Pink Dots, . . General Chaos recently created his first psychedelic film Luminations. Edward Kaspel from The Legendary Pink Dots at Lees Palace w/General Chaos Visuals. John Fryer, Jim Thirlwell, Merzbow, Kris Force, Lustmord, PanSonic, Mark Spybey, Steven Severin, Chris Connelly, Alan Sparhawk, Neurosis, Edward KaSpel, . . sisters of mercy, tear garden, legendary pink dots, edward kaspel, the vanishing, komunity fk, christian death, curve, diamanda galas, kmfdm, greater than one, . . stifling guitar growls from Barry Gray, slippery keys handled by Phil Knight and of course, the deadpanned vocals of singer Edward Kaspel , aka The Prophet. Dec 2, 2013. Kris Force, Lustmord, PanSonic, Merzbow, Mark b, Steven Severin, Chris Connelly, Alan Sparhawk, Neurosis, Edward KaSpel, William Faith, . 30 Paź 2011 . Obecnie w skład grupy wchodzą: Edward Kaspel - lider, wokal, klawisze, The Silverman (czyli Phil Knight) - klawisze i syntezatory (obydwaj w .
. Lustmord, PanSonic, Cedric Victor, Mark Spybey, Steven Severin, Chris Connelly, Alan Sparhawk, Edward KaSpel, William Faith, David J, David Torn, Bill. In the winter of 1988 Pink Dots-singer Edward Kaspel asked Freek Kinkelaar if he would be interested in doing the solo support act to the LPD performance in . Jan 21, 2011 . Artists include: Psyclones, Legendary Pink Dots, Edward Kaspel, Residents, Cabaret Voltaire, Biting Tongues, Severed Heads, Front 242, Art of . May 28, 2011 . Regular rotation includes older projects from Edward KaSpel, Pan American, Seefeel, Nurse With Wound, and Famous Boyfriend, along with . Just a few of the artists so far are: Edward Kaspel (Legendary Pink Dots), David J (Bauhaus), Alan Sparhawk (Low), Chris Connelly (Damage Manual, Ministry), . Akikkel együtt dolgozott · Amber SmithEdward KaspelJunkie XLKutzora Edina Poniklo Imre SenaZagarAkikkel együtt dolgozott (aloldal) . We don't even see or hear Edward KaSpel singing. At most, he is in a few clips outside of the studio, smiling at the camera and wandering around aimlessly. been involved in a diverse range of projects and collaborations such as Download (along with cEvin Key of Skinny Puppy), Zoviet France, Edward Kaspel . .