Igor Stromajer

autoscopia: Igor_StromajerWir haben im Rahmen der Abschlussausstellung ein Programm mit Performances von Gretta Louw & Igor Štromajer sowie Gabriele Oßwald & Wolfgang . Igor Štromajer (b. Dec 29, 1967 in Maribor, Slovenia) is a multimedia artist who describes himself as "an intimate mobile communicator". His work Intima is a . The latest Tweets from Igor Štromajer (@intima). pseudo-/para-artist @ http://t. co/ GKV3oHLd41 | post-net art since 1996. Frankfurt. de / LJ MB. si. pseudo-/para-artist post-net art since 1996 Web: http://www. intima. org Twitter: http://www. twitter. com/intima Facebook: http://www. facebook. com/intima Flickr: . Igor Štromajer / http://www. intima. org – pseudo-/para-artist and intimate mobile communicator – researches tactical emotional para-artistic actions, intimate . Igor Štromajer's oeuvre comprises nearly 150 works presented at more than 100 exhibitions, the most known being Ballettikka Internettikka. He has received . Jun 16, 2012 . Igor Štromajer's recent work combines video, much of it taken from the web, that then is distorted, altered, and overlaid. The above work, a . Igor Štromajer je na Facebooku. Pridruži se Facebooku in se poveži z Igor Štromajer in drugimi znanci. Facebook omogoča ljudem, da delijo, ter ustvarja.

Nov 8, 2010 . http://intima. wordpress. com/2010/10/28/stealth-stories-2 Stealth Stories A História é Clandestina http://www. historiaclandestina. com A . Expunction – Deleting www. intima. org Net Art Works If one can construct, program, build and create art, one can also delete it and deprogram it. Expunction was . Since 1989, Igor Štromajer aka Intima has shown his artistic work at more than a 120 exhibitions in 60 countries and received a number of international awards . 674 posts; 245 followers; 102 following. Follow. Igor Štromajer 🇴 pseudo-/para- artist 🇴 http://www. intima. org · Log in · Privacy · Terms. © 2015 Instagram, Inc. Expunction – Deleting www. intima. org Net Art Works Memory is there to deceive. Expunction is a project by mobile Internet communicator Igor Štromajer. Igor Štromajer pseudo-/para-artist photo: Borut Peterlin, GIF: intima. org www. intima. org Frankfurt, Germany Ljubljana / Maribor, Slovenia [ Twitter: @intima . Apr 27, 2011 . Igor Stromajer is a Slovenian artist. I interviewed him in Moscow in 2000. . Igor Stromajer: Since 1996. That is when I first saw the net at a. Igor Štromajer - pseudo-/para-artist | www. intima. org - Intimate Mobile Communicator | e-Media Artist - www. intima. org - Igor Štromajer www. intima. org [ intimate .

Apr 21, 2014 . Igor Štromajer Perhaps this is one of the most important things, that we all come from somewhere else. I was studying art, but it had nothing to . Home Igor Stromajer. Igor Stromajer (Intima Virtual Base) is "An Artist In Residence" at Ars Electronica ( Media Department - Ars Electronica Future Lab) in Linz (Austria) - since 1997. Nov 22, 2014 . The Website from the pixxelpoint festival 2014 in Nova Gorica is online. This years festival is curated by Igor Štromajer under the title “non-art” . Igor Štromajer EGO MASSAGE (Ceci n'est pas de l'art) Solo Exhibition Aksioma | Project Space Komenskega 18, Ljubljana 14 May – 13 June 2014. Exhibition . Igor Štromajer's exhibition focuses on the project Expunction. Between 11 May and 16 June 2011, Štromajer, one of the pioneers of net art in Slovenia and . Nov 22, 2014 . Watch Igor Štromajer's Vine "a=tF²" taken on 22 November 2014. It has 2 likes. Vine is the best way to see and share life in motion. Create short . Oct 4, 2014 . Watch Igor Štromajer's Vine taken on 4 October 2014. It has 0 likes. Vine is the best way to see and share life in motion. Create short, beautiful .

22 jun 2012 . Igor Štromajer, intimni mobilni komunikator. Eden od pionirjev medmrežne umetnosti, ki zdaj raziskuje opustitveno umetnost. Vanja Pirc | foto: . Nov 15, 2013 . Igor Štromajer (www. intima. org, born 1967 in Slovenia, lives in Frankfurt, Germany) is a net artist, intimate mobile communicator, and virtual . Extrait de "Ballettikka Internettikka", d'Igor Stromajer, 2006. . farfelues, signées de l'un des plus brillants artistes nouveaux médias, le Slovène Igor Stromajer. 19 maj 2014 . Igor Štromajer masira svoj ego. V projektnem prostoru Aksioma so spremljali razširjanje podobe umetnika in njegovega priljubljenega motiva. May 23, 2011 . Steven Shaviro and Igor Štromajer Porto, Portugal, 2001 Photo: Bojana Kunst. 30 maj 2014 . Igor Štromajer se kritično odziva na umetnost in svet. Pravi, da za zdaj kaže, da se moramo prihodnosti bati. Kakorkoli že, ta je v resničnem . Ballettikka Internettikka, by Igor Stromajer and Brane Zorman, is a serial of tactical art projects which began in 2001 with the exploration of internet ballet. February 2015 - Gretta Louw: Im Bett mit dem Künstler / Igor Štromajer: Im Bett mit der Künstlerin; a new commissioned networked performance with Igor .

19:00 Robert Sakrowski / curatingyoutube. net & Igor Štromajer: javno vodstvo po razstavi in skupno srfanje po galeriji. Mestna galerija Nova Gorica . Abstract In 2001, the Slovenian artist Igor Stromajer, in a partnership with composer Brane Zorman, presented the performance “Ballettikka Internettikka”. 4 Mai 2012 Beyond (spectacle) test, Arnolfini, Bristol, UK, with Igor Stromajer. . 2 -3-1 Assimil Performance with Igor Stromajer and Nicolas Frespech (5min), . Mar 28, 2014 . Subversive Systems. Poetic Transfiguration of the Digital, a group exhibition also featuring the works of Igor Štromajer (Intima Virtual Base), . Jan 28, 2014 . Guy Debord (Page). – Harun Farocki (Page). – IC art&design – sharing inspiring ( Group). – Ignacio Ramonet (Profile). – Igor Stromajer (Profile). Igor Štromajer. Posts 77 • Following 66 • Followers 77. pseudo-/para-artist | post- net art since 1996. intima. org twitter. com/intima · mse. png. Multifeminist StudiesMar 9, 2008 . An interview with Igor Stromajer by Annet Dekker. This interview was part of the urban screen project Visual Foreign Correspondents. Last fall I . 15 maj 2014 . Za radio jo je v okviru svojih študijskih obveznosti pripravil Igor Štromajer. Vaje so nastale v produkciji študentov Akademije za gledališče, radio . .