Sep 10, 2008 . committee meeting, I was able to go en-mass with Seb Chan, Ilya Eric Lee and Aleksandra Uzelac who were all over visiting the UK. . open data. • open collaboration. • open culture. Page 27. Page 28. Thank You. Ilya Eric Lee (Shih-Chieh Li). <ilya@iis. sinica. edu. tw>. Page 29. Long Tail. Ildy Lee's photo. Ildy Lee. CEO, Palos Verdes Multi Media Studios. California. Ilya Eric Lee · In Shik Lee. LeeMer Design Construction. In-woo Lee. E L D. <nettime> Taiwan's national ID card Ilya Eric Lee; <nettime> Radio B92- OpenNet: Internet against Censorship Drazen Pantic; <nettime> Radio B92 -OpenNet : . Oct 26, 2009 . Freelance would be ideal for starting out. Image taken on 2007-08-09 11:18:54 by Ilya Eric Lee. Image Source. (Used with permission) . We thank Jung-Chi Chang, Vincent Yen-Chen Kuo, Ilya Eric Lee, and all the people in the OSSF team for their help and assistance. . Ilya Eric Lee, Jyh-An Lee, Ke-Huan "Jedi" Lin. Yi-Hsuan Lin, Chien-Ting "Whiteg" Weng, Hui-Ju Wu. This work is released under a Creative Commons . Shih-Chieh "Ilya" Li, a. k. a. Ilya Eric Lee, is an Internet cultural activist, independent researcher, coordinator / project manager and sociology PhD.
Shih-Chieh "Ilya" Li (a. k. a. Ilya Eric Lee) http://twitter. com/ilya. Blogger, nocturnal wanderer, activist on exile over the Internet. . Shih-Chieh "Ilya" Li, a. k. a. Ilya Eric Lee, is an Internet cultural activist, independent researcher, coordinator / project manager and sociology PhD. Culturemondo steering committee meeting, I was able to go en-mass with Seb Chan, Ilya Eric Lee and Aleksandra Uzelac who were all over visiting the UK. . Shih-Chieh "Ilya" Li (a. k. a. Ilya Eric Lee) http://twitter. com/ilya Blogger, nocturnal wanderer, activist on exile over the Internet. . photo credit: Ilya Eric Lee. I have to be honest – it's been a little weird the last few days since passing my exam. I feel like that I should be studying . Jun 5, 2009 . A book bound in human skin picture by Ilya Eric Lee (Flickr). A book bound in human skin full image. The thought of human leather may be . 2002年8月18日 . 技客码Translator: |- Autrijus Tang <autrijus@autrijus. org>, Ilya Eric Lee < ilya@elixus. org> Ver: |- Version: Version: |- 3. 12 _: '': '! . 李士傑"Ilya Eric Lee" ilya@iis. sinica. edu. tw. 專案經理. 數位典藏國家型科技計畫計 畫 . Development. Shih-Chieh Li, aka Ilya Eric Lee. PM of NDAP, Taiwan.
Ilya Eric Lee. "圖說:英國秘書處社群經理Ruth Harpe. " Ilya Eric Lee . Ilya Eric Lee. "蕭副總統萬長先生接見李德財院士èˆ. " Ilya Eric Lee . 欲知詳情請與我連絡。現有的翻譯文件都可以自由取得。 中文翻譯:薛良斌、李士傑。 Traditional Chinese Translation by Liang-Bin Hsueh & Ilya Eric Lee. . Madanmohan Rao, 3. John Deneen, 3. Glenn Strachan, 3. REAGAN ODOUR, 3. GEORGE ONYANGO, 3. Noah Salameh, 3. Peter Hackett, 3. Ilya Eric Lee, 3 . Jun 25, 2007 . Cuba Roundtable 2007 courtesy Ilya Eric Lee. Cultural portal experts joined Latin American and Caribbean colleagues to share best practices, . 就IDEO模型而論:探索一條照著程序走向「ICT4D」的途徑-Ilya Eric Lee(Academia Sinicia)-將帶領我們討論著重「人類行為與溝通」 的IDEO設計流程如何在科技設置與 . Li Shih-Chieh, a. k. a. Ilya Eric Lee. 中文姓名:李士傑。 個人首頁:ilyagram. org; 個人email: ilyaericlee {at} gmail. com; 網客行動派酒聚. p,RT, Eastwood – RTSG, Diane Ludin, Dragan Espenschied, Alvar Freude, F. Stalder, Agnese Trocchi, Olia Lialina, A. Tang, Ilya Eric Lee, exonemo, . 2009年9月25日 . 就IDEO模型而論:探索一條照著程序走向「ICT4D」 的途徑-Ilya Eric Lee(Academia Sinicia)-將帶領我們討論著重「人類行為與溝通」的IDEO設計流程.
RT(ノヴィサド); 「PiraPort」by Autrijus Tang & Ilya Eric Lee(台北); 「 i_Biology Patent Engine(i-BPE) Internet Prototype 1. 0」 by diane Ludin(NY) . ilya eric lee 写道: dear 車東,. 謝謝你的告知,我們初步查過之後找不出來問題( 我們的時間應該是設定正確的啊)。可否請你拍幾張screenshot 給我,我們來檢查 . ilya eric lee. Channel Views: 632. Total Upload Views: 0. Age: 36. Joined: June 07, 2006. Last Sign In: 14 hours ago. Subscribers: . 2008年4月30日 . A discussion forum is scheduled after the screenings, to be led by Wang Hsing- chung and Ilya Eric Lee. (Apr. ,28, 7:30pm, Taipei Artist . Session-III - 李士傑 先生Ilya Eric Lee 中央研究院資訊科技創新研究中心專案經理 * 時間:2009/09/27, 10:00 ~ 12:00 *會議室:Room 2. OpenSolaris InstallFest . Ilya Eric Lee, exonemo, J. J. King. The Hidden World of Noise and. Voice (2002/ K408) (Futurelab,. G. Levin, Z. Lieberman, C. . A discussion forum is scheduled after the screenings, to be led by Wang Hsing- chung from Taiwan For Tibet and Ilya Eric Lee from Social Brain Foundation. . Jorge Joquera, Miranda Bergman, Patrick Watkins, Abram Mahmoadi, Anja Peter, Tracey Wheatley, Ilya Eric Lee, Berenice Hernández, David McNeill . .