Iulian STOLERIU. "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iaşi, Romania. Radu STRUGARIU. "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University, Iaşi, Romania. Carmen- Oana . Feb 26, 2001 . DUGALD B. DUNCAN a1, MICHAEL GRINFELD a2 and IULIAN STOLERIU a2 a1 Department of Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University, . Graţiela Popa, Lăcrămioara Ochiuz, Iulian Stoleriu, Ileana Cojocaru, Iuliana. Popovici, Formulation and preparation of orally disintegrating tablets using. Jul 28, 2012 . MIRCEA CRASMAREANU∗ and IULIAN STOLERIU†. Faculty of Mathematics. University “Al. I. Cuza” of Iasi. Bvd. Carol I, No. 11, 700506 Iasi . IULIAN STOLERIU. Abstract. We deal with some qualitative properties of solutions to an evolution equation that depends on a positive parameter. The main . Nov 5, 2013 . Improved Oral Administration and Patient Compliance. Lăcrămioara Ochiuz,. †,¶. Graţiela Popa,. †. Iulian Stoleriu,. ‡. Alina Maria Tomoiagă,*. New Member of. Math Biology Group. Dr Iulian Stoleriu joined the Department in January, 2002. He says: “I graduated in. 1996 from the Faculty of Mathematics, . DUGALD B. DUNCAN 1, MICHAEL GRINFELD 2 and IULIAN STOLERIU 2. 1Department of Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, Scotland.
Oct 5, 2011 . Non-Coarsening for Solutions to a Class of Evolution Equations. Iulian Stoleriu1. Faculty of Mathematics, "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iaşi, 11, Bd. PhD Iulian Stoleriu The Faculty of Mathematics, State Univ. „Al. I. Cuza” Iasi. Lect. PhD Mircea Barsan The Faculty of Mathematics, State Univ. „Al. I. Cuza” Iasi. Dr. Manuela Hortolomei, Dr. Gratiela Popa, Dr. Iulian Stoleriu, Dr. Anca Zbranca, Dr. Iuliana Popovici, Sef Lucr. Dr. Lacramioara Ochiuz · 16. Depresia, o criza . Jul 24, 2014 . Catalina Elena Lupusoru a Iulian Stoleriu d Lacramioara Ochiuz c. Departments of aPharmacology-Algesiology and bPatho-Physiology, . Formula (Second Edition), Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 70, American. Mathematical Society, 2013 (Iulian Stoleriu)......... 29 Iul 2014 . Iulian Stoleriu, de la Facultatea de Matematică a Universității ”Al. I. Cuza” Iași. Pe lângă cele două probe de specialitate, individuală și pe . Geta Stoleriu Rodica Stoleriu Anica Stoleriu Gabriela Sanda Stoleriu Gabriela Iuliana Stoleriu Adrian Stoleriu Iulian Stoleriu Gheorghe Stoleriu Mihaela StoleriuGiven names. Gheorghe Stoleriu (20) Ioan Stoleriu (18) Constantin Stoleriu (15) Mihai Stoleriu (14) Vasile Stoleriu (9) Alexandru Stoleriu (6) Mircea Stoleriu (6).
. the advanced techniques of asset modeling, especially with respect to Fourier transform and characteristic functions. ” (Iulian Stoleriu, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 11 Followers. FollowingFollow. Iulian Stoleriu · 6 Followers. FollowingFollow. Dragutza Fluturelle · 138 Followers. FollowingFollow. Hotin Francisc · 23 Followers . . Iulian Stingu - Iulian Stoica · Iulian Stoica petrescu - Iulian Stoleriu · Iulian Stoleru - Iulian Stroe · Iulian Stroia - Iulian Stănescu · Iulian Stăruială - Iulian Sultana . Gratiela Popa, Lacramioara Ochiuz, Iulian Stoleriu, Iuliana Popovici, Binder and superdisintegrant influence on the properties of orally disintegrating tablets high . Iulian Stoleriu,. Romeo Cristian. Ciobanu. A fuzzy approach regarding the analysis of wine production depending on different environmental parameters based . Non-local models for solid-solid phase transitions. 157. Iulian Stoleriu. 14. A spectral regularization method for a heat equation backward in time on the plane. Pret: 40 lei. Statistica prin MATLAB · Iulian Stoleriu · Universitatea Al. I. Cuza Iasi · Statistica prin MATLAB. Suport: Hartie. Pret: 50 lei. Curs de aritmetica. Lăcrămioara 0chiuz, Iulian Stoleriu, Graţie/a Popa. Influenţa factorilor de formulare asupra cedării alendronatului de sodiu din forme farmaceutice.
Nov 1, 2006 . MICHAEL GRINFELD comma IULIAN STOLERIU. Abstract period. We employ the Pad acute-e approximation to derive a set of new partial. Aug 29, 2006 . Anurag Srivastava, Iulian Stoleriu, Wei Sun, Irina Surovtsova,. Sameer Tupe, Ralph Voigt, Andreas Weidemann, Katja Wegner,. Jьrgen Zobeley . 9 Apr 2014. prof. univ. dr. Liviu Florescu, prof. univ. dr. Ioan Tofan, conf. univ. dr. Marian Munteanu, conf. univ. dr. Claudiu Volf, lect. univ. dr. Iulian Stoleriu . Liliana Mititelu Tartau, Eliza Gratiela Popa, Raoul Vasile Lupusoru, Catalina Elena Lupusoru, Iulian Stoleriu, Lacramioara Ochiuz. [Show abstract] [Hide abstract]The sound modeling of the smile effect is an important issue in quantitative finance as, for more than a decade, the Fourier transform has established. ISBN 978-973-650-277-4. 004. 891. CIP 2010-02069. 37. STOLERIU, IULIAN. Statistica prin MATLAB / Iulian Stoleriu. -. Bucureşti : Matrix Rom, 2010. Bibliogr. Jul 6, 2013 . Read moreShow less · Translate. iulian stoleriu · 7 months ago. forte e carino quando canta e suona fede. Read moreShow less · Translate . 13 Mai 2011 . Iulian Stoleriu. Statistica prin. MATLAB. 978-973-755-578-6 2010. 4. Mihai Iordache,. Lucian Mandache,. Dragos Niculae. Analiza asistata de. .