Jonas Fritsch Department of Aesthetics and Communication, Aarhus University Introduction Digital technologies in new interactive environments are radically . Jonas Fritsch has not filled out his profile yet. . Jonas Fritsch is using Google+. Join Google+ to connect with the people who matter most. Jonas Fritsch. Posts . JONAS. FRITSCH@GMAIL. COM. 2,3 UNIVERSITY OF ART AND DESIGN HELSINKI, FINLAND. ANDREA. JUDICE@UIAH. FI, KATJA. SOINI@UIAH. FI. 4 LULEÅ . Balloons, Sweat and. Technologies: Urban. Interventions through. Ephemeral Architectures. Jonas Fritsch (dk). Center for Digital Urban Living, Aarhus University . Jonas Fritsch is currently pursuing his PhD at Aarhus University, Denmark, . Jonas Fritsch est présentement candidat au doctorat à l'Université d'Aarhus où il . UNDERSTANDING AFFECTIVE. ENGAGEMENT AS A RESOURCE IN. INTERACTION DESIGN. BY JONAS FRITSCH. CENTER FOR DIGITAL URBAN LIVING . (co-authored with Jonas Fritsch) . Brunner, Christoph, Jonas Fritsch: 'Balloons, Sweat and Technologies: Urban Interventions through Ephemeral Architectures . Jonas Fritsch · Center for Digital Urban Living & Department of Information and Media Studies, Aarhus University, Aarhus N, Denmark DK-8200 · Kim Halskov.
My name is Jonas Fritsch and I am a PhD student at the University of Aarhus, Institue for Information and Media Studies. I have a master in Information Studies . Covered. Jonas Fritsch MA, PhD Scholar. Information and Media Studies University of Aarhus. t: +45 89429282 c: +45 26208324 e: imvjf@hum. au. dk . Jonas Fritsch. Oversigt · Publikationer · Aktiviteter. Jonas Fritsch. Institut for Æstetik og Kommunikation - Informationsvidenskab. Helsingforsgade 14. bygning . Kinesthetic Interaction - Revealing the Bodily Potential in Interaction Design Maiken Hillerup Fogtmann Center for Interactive Spaces Aarhus School of . morten aaveren jonas fritsch stian elisenberg matias aaveren guns n roses slash steve vai eric johnson guitar solo shred metallica ac/dc arpeggio sweeping . Jun 11, 2010. Britta Timm Knudsen, Dorthe Refslund Christensen, Carsten Stage, Camilla Møhring Reestorff, Mathias Bonde Korsgaard and Jonas Fritsch]. Authors: Maiken Hillerup Fogtmann, Center for Interactive Spaces, Aarhus C, Denmark. Jonas Fritsch, University of Aarhus, Aarhus N, Denmark. Karen Johanne . Webdesign: Jonas Fritsch and Lennart Haverkamp. Ideas and suggestions about our website via Mail to Jonas Fritsch. No responsibility is taken for the.
Jonas Fritsch. Center for Digital Urban Living. Aarhus University jonas. fritsch@ gmail. com. ABSTRACT. We report our experiences of how public voice, news re- . Jul 2, 2011. Spaces of Aestheticized Public Voice Martin Brynskov, Aarhus University; Tuck Leong, Newcastle University; Jonas Fritsch, Aarhus University . by Martin Brynskov, Peter Dalsgaard, Tobias Ebsen, Jonas Fritsch, K Halskov, R Nielsen . Jonas Fritsch, Dk Aarhus N, Peter Dalsgaard in Work (2008) . Jan 19, 2012 . FCJ-136 Toward Environmental Criticism Malcolm McCullough. FCJ-137 Affective Experience in Interactive Environments Jonas Fritsch . Jonas Fritsch, Aarhus University, Denmark. Pre-electoral Discussion in a Digital City. The case of ComunaliMilano2011. Ewa Krzatala-Jaworska, University of . Feb 9, 2012 . Coordinators: Louise Fabian, Jonas Fritsch and Per Blenker. Self-organized communities as business opportunities. Cultural citizenship . Submissions accepted for presentation at 'In the Making' will be . Jun 12, 2010. Britta Timm Knudsen, Dorthe Refslund Christensen, Carsten Stage, Camilla Møhring Reestorff, Mathias Bonde Korsgaard and Jonas Fritsch].
Oct 14, 2011 . To give a small impression of the side-project around floaties and ephemeral architectures developed by Jonas Fritsch and Christoph Brunner, . Jonas Fritsch • Visit Site Máj 24th, 2007. I would love an invite! Thanks in advance, Jonas. Brant Hackett • Visit Site Máj 24th, 2007. Thanks for the offer – I' d very . Jonas Fritsch Jette Gejl Lone Koefoed Hansen Mathias Bonde Korsgaard Andrew Murphie Camilla Møhring Reestorf Søren Pold Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsen . Sep 6, 2009. Society of Molecules event Montréal. Video produced by Jonas Fritsch, project concept and excecution: Jonas Fritsch and Christoph Brunner. Document Unavailable. Sorry, Jonas hasn't uploaded a copy of this paper yet. Click here to see other work by the same author. Facebook Twitter . Martin Brynskov, Tuck Wah Leong, Jonas Fritsch: Bridging the affective gap to make news felt: spaces of aestheticized public voice. C&T 2011: 50-59 . Index : Jonas Fritsch. Agencias. CreativeApplications. Net | Apps That Inspire. TheFWA. Interactive Film. Inspiring designers Processing Curso Processing . Jonas Fritsch · Aarhus University · Kim Halskov · Aarhus University · Martin Brynskov · Aarhus University . View colleagues of Jonas Fritsch . .