. Thiverval-Grignon, France markus. schmidt@grigon. inra. fr ), AC(Bioemco, UPMC, Thiverval-Grignon, France Kadmiel. Maseyk@grignon. inra. fr ), AD( Bioemco, . Affiliation: AA(Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, UMR Bioemco, Thiverval-Grignon, France kadmiel. maseyk@grignon. inra. fr ), AB(Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, . Lett@grignon. inra. fr ), AD(Bioemco Campus AgroParisTech, Universite' Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6, Paris, France; Kadmiel. Maseyk@grignon. inra. fr ), AE(Earth. Irvine, CA, USA; xxu@uci. edu ), AD(Bioemco Campus AgroParisTech, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6, Paris, France; Kadmiel. Maseyk@grignon . inra. fr ). the present balances of carbon and water. Convener: Victor Resco de Dios Co- Conveners: Juan Pedro Ferrio Diaz , Kadmiel Maseyk , Romain Barnard . Also, carbon fluxes and tree physiology parameters were parameterized with Dr. Kadmiel Maseyk (INRA), while energy fluxes and radiation parameters with Dr. Aug 24, 2010 . Kadmiel Maseyk Weizmann Institute of Science Dept of Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Rehovot, IL. University of Tuscia Di. Jun 14, 2008 . Kadmiel Maseyk1, Camille Bathellier2 and Jaleh Ghashghaie2. Weizmann Institute of Science1. Centre scientifique d'Orsay, Universite Paris.
Mar 26, 2008 . Respiration acclimation contributes to high carbon-use efficiency in a seasonally dry pine forest. KADMIEL MASEYK1,; JOSÉ M. GRÜNZWEIG2 . AA(Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, UMR Bioemco, Thiverval-Grignon, France kadmiel. maseyk@grignon. inra. fr ), AB(Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter, United . Support also by: EU, BSF, ISF, IALC, KKL, GLOWA, Minerva-Avron. The Weizmann Institute of Science. Eyal Rotenberg, Kadmiel Maseyk, Tongbao Lin, Jose . Convener: Victor Resco de Dios Co-Conveners: Juan Pedro Ferrio Diaz , Kadmiel Maseyk , Romain Barnard Abstract Submission One of the main assumptions . May 18, 2011 . Kadmiel Maseyk • Debbie Hemming •. Alon Angert • Steven W. Leavitt • Dan Yakir. Received: 22 June 2010 / Accepted: 25 April 2011 . Kadmiel Maseyk; Debbie Hemming; Alon Angert; Steven W. Leavitt; Dan Yakir. Increase in water-use efficiency and underlying processes in pine forests across . Kadmiel MASEYK, post-doc UPMC éq. TRANSFERTS. Multi-tracer studies of ecohydrology and the COSIRIS project. 10h50 > 11h10 Henri de PARSEVAL, . Dec 29, 2009 . Lisa Wingate,ab1,2 Jérôme Ogée,b1,2 Matthias Cuntz,c1,3 Bernard Genty,de Ilja Reiter,de Ulli Seibt,f Dan Yakir,g Kadmiel Maseyk,fg Elise G.
. Kadmiel Maseyk Weizmann Institute of Science Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions Summer School, Grindewald, Switzerland; Rachael Yvonne Dudaniec. Dan Yakir, Kadmiel Maseyk, Elise G. Pendall, Margaret M. Barbour, Behzad Mortazavi, Régis Burlett, Philippe Peylin, John Miller, Maurizio Mencuccini, Jee H . Nov 15, 2010 . Markus Schmidt1,*,; Kadmiel Maseyk1,; Céline Lett1,; Philippe Biron1,; Patricia Richard1,; Thierry Bariac1,; Ulli Seibt1,2. Article first published . in oxygen isotope signatures of net CO2 fluxes from a Mediterranean soil. LISA WINGATE *, ULLI SEIBT w, KADMIEL MASEYK z, JÉ ROˆ ME OGÉ E§, PEDRO . Apr 19, 2009 . University of Pierre and Marie Curie, France. Kadmiel. Maseyk@grignon. inra. fr. Monika MAZIARZ. University of Wroclaw, Institute of Geography, . Tamir Klein Æ Deborah Hemming Æ Tongbao Lin. Jose´ M. Gru¨nzweig Æ Kadmiel Maseyk Æ Eyal Rotenberg. Dan Yakir. Association between tree-ring and . Dec 29, 2009 . Ilja Reiter, Ulli Seibt, Dan Yakir, Kadmiel Maseyk, Elise G. Pendall, Margaret M. Barbour, Behzad Mortazavi, Régis. Burlett, Philippe Peylin . Dec 29, 2009 . Lisa Wingatea,b,1,2,; Jérôme Ogéeb,1,2,; Matthias Cuntzc,1,3,; Bernard Gentyd,e ,; Ilja Reiterd,e,; Ulli Seibtf,; Dan Yakirg,; Kadmiel Maseykf,g,.
. assessing the semi-arid ecosystem phenology related to CO2 fluxes of biological soil crusts. Jonathan Burgheimer a. , Burkhard Wilske b,c. , Kadmiel Maseyk . Jun 20, 2004 . Kadmiel Maseyk. Eyal Rotenberg. Dan Yakir. Association between tree-ring and needle <513C and leaf gas exchange in Pinus halepensis . Dec 29, 2009 . Lisa Wingate,; Jérôme Ogée,; Matthias Cuntz,; Bernard Genty,; Ilja Reiter,; Ulli Seibt,; Dan Yakir,; Kadmiel Maseyk,; Elise G. Pendall,; Margaret . 2009: Kadmiel Maseyk; Lisa Wingate; Ulli Seibt; Jaleh Ghashghaie; Camille Bathellier; Pedro Almeida; Raquel Lobo de Vale; Joao S Pereira; Dan Yakir; . Jun 23, 2005 . Large daily variation in 13C-enrichment of leaf-respired CO2 in two Quercus forest canopies. Graham J. Hymus1,3,*,; Kadmiel Maseyk2, . Original Research Article Pages 1-12. Jonathan Burgheimer, Burkhard Wilske, Kadmiel Maseyk, Arnon Karnieli, Eli Zaady, Dan Yakir, Jürgen Kesselmeier . Oct 28, 2009 . 14:00. CLIMATE CHANGE AND FORESTS IN THE DRY TIMBERLINE. Dan Yakir , Eyal Rotenberg, Kadmiel Maseyk, Naama Raz, Ilya Gelfand, . Apr 29, 2011 . Kadmiel Maseyk, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel Mariano Morales, IANIGLA-CRICYT, Mendoza, Argentina Julien Najac . .