Nov 30, 2013 . I hail a motodop. He's like, 'Four dollars. ' And I say, 'No, I live here, it's two and a half. ' And he asks, 'There and back?' I'm supposed to smile so . Laura Jean McKay is a writer and a performer and the author of Holiday in Cambodia, a short story collection that explores the electric zone where local and . Jun 24, 2013 . It's been nearly a week now since I finished Laura Jean McKay's collection of short stories, Holiday in Cambodia, and my feelings are a jumble . Nov 18, 2013 . Laura Jean McKay, a writer and performer, is the author of the new short story collection Holiday in Cambodia. Her writing has appeared in a . Laura Jean McKay is the author of Holiday in Cambodia, a short story collection that explores the electric zone where local and foreign lives meet. Her writing . Aug 22, 2013 . Laura Jean McKay is the author of Holiday in Cambodia, a short story collection that explores the electric zone where local and foreign lives . Nov 9, 2013 . My review of Laura Jean McKay's debut short story collection Holiday in Cambodia lands at The Australian this morning. McKay's stories are . May 21, 2013 . EWF Q&A: Laura Jean McKay - In the lead up to the Emerging Writers' Festival, we catch up with four Australian writers to ask them all about . .
The Arrangement by Laura Jean McKay One: Be honest. Two: Always use protection, even if you don't want to. Three: Don't do it in our bed. Four: Tell the . About · Laura Jean McKay · RSS Subscribe: RSS feed · flightlessness. A year without flight. photo_345_20111021_1 23 September, 2013 . Jul 11, 2013 . I've just finished reading Laura Jean McKay's terrific new short story collection, Holiday in Cambodia. What follows is not a review — more an . May 30, 2013 . Ampersand. It's such a great name for a magazine. Its offer of possibilities, its promise of more. And its format-it's gorgeous! A little flip book, . In these loosely linked stories, Laura Jean McKay takes us deep into this complex country, exploring the uneasy spaces where local and foreign lives meet . Jul 22, 2013 . Laura Jean McKay is the author of Holiday in Cambodia (Black Inc. July 2013). Her writing has been published in Best Australian Stories, . Aug 18, 2013 . Author Laura Jean McKay reads an excerpt from her story, 'Coming Up', taken from her book of short stories entitled 'Holiday in Cambodia', . May 8, 2013 . Hi Pip! Hi Sydney! Enjoy the video! x Tom and Laura.
We're on a Boat! (2012). In 2011, Laura Jean McKay gave up flying around the world. In 2012, she discovered the world of container ships. I went along for the . Oct 15, 2013 . Posts about Laura Jean McKay written by philipcoggan. Sep 23, 2013 . Laura Jean McKay. Much has changed in Cambodia since Pol Pot's regime came to a bloodied end in 1979. These days, tourists are steadily . Apr 5, 2010 . Laura Jean McKay is an enigma. Her performances are an enchanting and chaotic mix of cabaret, short story reading, song, spoken word, and . Jan 13, 2014 . Laura Jean McKay is the author of Holiday in Cambodia, a short story collection that explores the electric zone where local and foreign lives . Aug 2, 2013 . If the title of Laura Jean McKay's first story collection, Holiday in Cambodia, didn't explicitly set out her agenda, then its first story, 'Route 4', not . Nov 9, 2013 . In her debut collection, Holiday in Cambodia, Melbourne writer Laura Jean McKay plays this trick in a subtly encompassing way. All set in the . JESS: There's no doubt Lanagan managed to nudge ahead of her competition by sexing up her text a little, with judge Laura Jean McKay complimenting the . .
Nov 9, 2013 . In her debut collection, Holiday in Cambodia, Melbourne writer Laura Jean McKay plays this trick in a subtly encompassing way. All set in the . JESS: There's no doubt Lanagan managed to nudge ahead of her competition by sexing up her text a little, with judge Laura Jean McKay complimenting the . Seamlessly extending from the French occupation of Cambodia to the horrors of the Khmer Rouge and the current tourism industry, Laura Jean McKay's déb. Jul 21, 2013 . Laura Jean McKay · National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System · Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research · Arthritis Australia. (catching up on sleep; cheerleading for Laura Jean McKay as she launches her book Holiday in Cambodia). AUGUST. 1-4 August: BYRON BAY Moron to Moron . Feb 4, 2012. and was shortlisted for the 2011 Whitemore Press Poetry Manuscript prize. The Cyclo Men of Phnom Penh -(written by Laura Jean McKay) . 3 days ago . Laura Jean McKay and Tom Doig work against the stereotype of the shy, retiring writer-type. They both like performing - especially on a stage . Jun 26, 2013 . In Holiday in Cambodia Laura Jean McKay explores the electric zone where local and foreign lives meet. .