He m. first, Beatrice, daughter and eventually heir of Sir John Lloyd, bart. of Forrest, in Carmarthenshire, and had two daughters, viz. . tobacco lobbyist, Dr. Lloyd Bart- lett made clear that the CMA's battle against smoking did not end with the recent passage of . [1960] Bartholomew, Robert Lloyd "Bart" Email. [1962] Korpela, Henry Email. [ 1962] Cimperman, Dwight Douglas "Deed or Deeder" Email . At first meeting of the Beagle Section (under the Chairmanship of Sir Marteine Lloyd Bart) it was resolved that “All hounds bred in a Harrier Kennel be . Bronwydd, Sir Marteine Owen Mowbray Lloyd bart. (lord marcher of the barony of Kemes), D. L. , J. P. see Llangynllo. Brownslade, Lieut. -Col. . With Augusta Dabney, David Lewis, Suzanne Lloyd, Bart Burns. A seemingly normal family is hiding a terrible secret: their son has the features of a deformed . Arthur Lloyd: BART extension to SFO, Millbrae is great http://groups. yahoo. com/ group/BATN/message/13125. Arthur Lloyd: Preventing fatalities . Gedol, succeeded his brother Gryflydd in 16 93, and mar- ried Margaret, daughter and heir of Sir Evan Lloyd, Bart. , of Bodidris in Ial, by whom he had two.
William Henry Leverett & Aliff Lloyd - PEGGY MAYS 8/28/03. Re: William Henry Leverett & Aliff Lloyd - Bart Williams 11/03/03 . Nov 13, 2006 . members Steve Edwins, Susan Lloyd, Bart de Malignon, Heather Robins, and Philip Spensley. The task force was assisted by Northfield City . Others Named Lloyd Arcilla. Lloyd Jason Arcilla · Lloyd Bart Arcilla · Arcilla Lloyd · Lloyd Arcilla · Bryan Lloyd Arcilla · Arcilla Lloyd . SIR EDWARD PRYCE LLOYD, BART. , M. P. 61. PLAS NEWYDD,... . MARQUESS OF ANGLESEY, K. G. 62. TREVALYN HALL,... JOHN BOYDELL, ESQ. SOUTH WALES . retiring president, Dr. Lloyd Bart- lett, said the appropriate term is. " strategic withdrawal of services". "It would only be a last re- . by Shaw!, Yambar, & Lloyd Bart and Lisa prove that a little imagination is a dangerous thing when they go on a sensational rampage through the streets of . Also a superior estate, called the Malt House Farm, contiguous to the mansion and grounds of Sir James Lloyd, Bart. , comprising all suitable farm buildings, . but in that portion on the downs generally chalk; the scenery is enriched with wood, and Lancing House, the seat of Sir James Martin Lloyd, Bart. ,.
In St. James's Episcopal Church this evening Aliss Ellen Isabel Cul*er, eldest daughter of Ir. and Mrs. Christopher Culver, and 5 Erie Lloyd Bart. . Sir Charles Lloyd, Bart. Gentleman. 1718. 1719. Henry Jenks. Gentleman. 1719. 1720. Thomas Morhall. Attorney. 1720. 1721. Michael Brickdale. Plateworker . Nov 21, 2003 . Sir Marteine Owen Mowbray Lloyd bart. is lord of the manor, the principal landowners being Mrs. Lewes, Charles Home Lloyd Fitzwilliams esq. , . Sep 23, 2004 . 6 CHAIRPERSON LLOYD: Bart. 7 RESEARCH DIVISION CHIEF CROES: Bart Croes with 8 Research Division at ARB. 9 Just to add on to Dr. Santer's . Oct 8, 2007 . Albany Wallis purchased the estate from John Adams M. P. , who inherited it from Sir Herbert Lloyd Bart. M. P. This must have occurred prior to . Lynne is married to Lloyd “Bart” Bartholomew, Jr. who is a Mayo emeritus formally working in Information. Technology/Computer Sciences. She has two sons, . This family lately became extinct, on the deceafe of Sir Lucius Chriftianus Lloyd, Bart, who was Sheriff of Cardiganfhire in 1746. Wooton's Baronetage. . Lloyd, bart. , as a member for Cardigan Borough, 16 November 1868 34. Indenture for the return of Pryse Pryse esq. member of the.
The mansion here, which is large, and of considerable antiquity, was formerly the residence of the Lloyds; but Sir Evan Lloyd, Bart. , dying without male. Adam Lloyd - Andrew Lloyd · Andrew Lloyd - Bart Lloyd · Bart Lloyd - Bradford Lloyd · Bradford Lloyd - Carolyn Lloyd · Caron Lloyd - Christopher Lloyd . LLOYD, Bart. , Suss. , a lion's head erased, per bend sinister erm. and paean, ( gorged with a wreath of oak, vert. ) 5, a. 2. —, Wel. and Kent, a man's head, . Sep 22, 2008 . They have four children: Bryson David Dudley Stephens, Trent McDonald Stephens Lloyd, Bart William Robinson Stephens, Alys Fay Stephens, . Jan 13, 2003 . Herbert LLOYD, Bart, to Mrs BACON, relict of John William Bacon Esq, late of. Newton Cap, Durham, and sister to the Earl of Winterton. . Lloyd Bart Arcilla · Heloísa Bart · Bart ten Bokum · Bartolome Hernandez · Bart Wilson · Bart Tart · Bart Veurink. More. Contact Information . revered teacher Dr. Lloyd Bart- lett. According to Bartlett the mean age of 100 physicians who died recently in Manitoba was . Sir Charles Lloyd, Bart.. . 354 1671. Thomas Ireland. 363 1672. Thomas Lloyd. -. ;.. 365 1873. George Devereux. 365 1674. . .