Nov 18, 2010 . Mab MacMoragh. two words: Bill Viola http://soup-spoon. blogspot. com. there is potential for the sublime to be facilitated by video games since . May 20, 2013 . Posted September 25, 2013 at 12:31 am | Permalink. Congratulations. You're now officially a genius. But we knew it all along. Mab MacMoragh. On 9 March 2015 at 08:43, Mab MacMoragh wrote: > love it pall > > On Sun, Mar 8, 2015 at 10:27 AM, Pall Thayer wrote: > >> This one 'p … Read more; 6 reads . May 16, 2013 . Goldsmith's book Uncreative Writing presented in its digital entirety simultaneously forwards and backwards, by Mab MacMoragh: [VIDEO]. Oct 4, 2012 . fourty four flowers (at Mab MacMoragh's Soup sim, 2009) cloud chamber (at. mapping virtual nature (at Mab MacMoragh's Soup sim, 2009) . PMNYS Fast-Forward Preview (Part 1) by Mab MacMoragh. Registration for Winter/Spring 2012 MoMA Courses Online is now open! Information and registration . Mab MacMoragh. Michelle Krebs Courtney Hermann Dan Dzurisin Sandy Cummings Alisha Harrington Danny Kapilian Donna Webb J Leibhart Marian HoblittJan 29, 2011 . I am pleased to share this wee video by Mab MacMoragh with you. Address to a Haggis by Robert Burns from Mab MacMoragh on Vimeo.
Nov 17, 2013. Hikmet Loe // Clarinda Mac Low // Mab MacMoragh // David MacWilliam // Lenore Malen // Andres Manniste // Joanne Mattera // Scott Mattoon . Jun 2, 2010. Simotron Aquila, DanCoyote Alchemi, Juliet Claridge, Hinnerk Allen, Chantal Harvey, teixeira1976 Congrejo, Mab MacMoragh, Sun Lisle, . Oct 15, 2010 . In other more useful news, Mab MacMoragh has arranged for Oberon Onmura's meteorological instal Storm Cells to go on display again over at . May 4, 2011 . Mab MacMoragh. Great writeup Oberon and Hamlet! If you haven't seen it, I had a dream dialogue about construct not too long ago, written . Oct 1, 2011 . Mab MacMoragh Monday, October 03, 2011. Amy, Penumbra, Dekka, Raul, Neb, Allan, Jane, Khamudy and everyone else who made a . Mab MacMoragh donated a total of L$15,000. L1Aura Loire donated a total of L $12,050. Grijandomore Greene donated a total of L$11,800. EdDereDdE Laval . Sep 30, 2009 . Well, thanks to Mab MacMoragh, I get a chance to fill the sim with prim (wonder if prim is the plural of prim, sounds like it should be). Watch this . [2010/08/12 14:18] Mab MacMoragh has entered draw distance. . [2010/08/12 14:18] MystiTool HUD 1. 3. 1: Entering chat range: Mab MacMoragh (11m).
Apr 13, 2014. to acknowledge the following SL artists for this show: Machinimatographers Marx Catteneo, Mab MacMoragh, Steve Millar, and Evo Szuyuan, . Living in a Modem World Mab MacMoragh Iono Allen. 06. jpg. 05. jpg. 03. jpg. 02. jpg. 01. jpg. Show More. Contact. Elif Ayiter ayiter@sabanciuniv. edu. Websites. May 30, 2014 . Mab MacMoragh | Fri, May 30th, 2014 8:23 p. m. wonderful. reply. You must be logged in to post a comment. Log In . Aug 25, 2011 . Mab MacMoragh 26 August 2011, 8. 21. There's a difference between the expressiveness of photojournalism and the expressiveness of artwork . However, before I dismantled the builds I collected several blog posts, comments, and SL notecards from fans of the show. ○ Mab MacMoragh. ○ Blank. Bare. Mab MacMoragh, Misprint Thursday, Kristen Galvin,. Nusch Ray, Rebecca Drysdale, Nicole Sansone,. Seddel Cougar, Shirley Marquez, Strawberry Holiday ,. Aug 28, 2014 . Singapore-based serviced residence owner operator Ascott Ltd has teamed up with India's Puri Constructions to manage a project in Gurgaon, . May 14, 2011 . Mab MacMoragh 17 May, 2011 11:35. I enjoyed reading this Dividni! Reply Delete · Dividni Shostakovich 17 May, 2011 18:19. Of course .
Aug 1, 2009. are the nested cubes, which Selavy Oh rezzed for me, thanks to the generous hospitality of Mab MacMoragh, that I spent an entire afternoon . Oct 31, 2009. Live Lotosgreen at Japonisme Pernille Bærendtse at Lowder than Swahlli Mab MacMoragh at MacMoragh Maryt/theteach at Work of the Poet . Apr 30, 2010 . Mab MacMoragh said. very cool- please send press kit thanks! May 1, 2010 at 6: 35 AM · Natsuki said. Wow, many congratulations to . Permalink. by Recognized Resident Mab MacMoragh on 01-20-2011 02:58 PM. Options. Mark as Read; Mark as New; Bookmark; Highlight . Oct 30, 2010 . Thanks to Mab MacMoragh for letting me install "Storm Cells" for the purposes of documentation. I invite you to visit the installation while it . . Apperley : Darren Bilsborough : Sara Sidner : Diego Ramirez : Diego Ramirez : Diego Ramirez : Mab Macmoragh : Mab Macmoragh : Aliona : Peter Johnson . In the old days, my thoughts like tiny sparks would flare up in the almost dark of consciousness and I would transcribe them, and page after page shone with a . .