Racer 0. 2 by Malte Jehmlich http://racer. sputnic. tv/. Attitude by Servando Barreiro http://servandobarreiro. es/. Tons of greatest Computer games. Music Line Up: . Aug 17, 2010 . Real World Video Game Kart Racing! That's Malte Jehmlich, the creator of Racer. The round trip flight to Europe and the dozens of international . Aug 6, 2010 . The German underwear model you see above is Mr. Malte Jehmlich, who along with his fellow Deutchland comrades, built an incredibly simple . Aug 8, 2010 . The concept behind the RACER project, spearheaded by German designer Malte Jehmlich, is straightforward enough, but it's still an incredible . Jan 31, 2012 . Südstadtby Nils Voges, Malte Jehmlich and Nicolai Skopalik, Germany, 2012, 12min. 26. Yöjuna by Juha Mäki-Jussila, Finland, 2010, 3min. Turns out a German fellow by the name of Malte Jehmlich decided to replicate videogame racing in the style of WipeOut, complete with 'arcade cabinet' and . Wipeout's brand of physics-defying hover car racing is never going to happen in real life, but Malte Jehmlich's miniature cardboard race track is the next best . Aug 3, 2010 . Devised by Malte Jehmlich and Matthes Mikysec of sputnic. tv, RACER is an analog variant of video game racers, using an old arcade cabinet,.
Aug 4, 2010 . The project is the idea of Malte Jehmlich. He decided to create a track out of cardboard reminiscent of the Wipeout tracks. He then hooked up a . Designer Malte Jehmlich may have invented one of the wittiest "video games" we' ve ever seen: Racer, which uses a real RC car, on a real RC track, which you . Aug 7, 2010 . The builder, Malte Jehmlich, says he spent several months working on the project . It's WipEout meets vintage R/C racing. I want! [Thanks . Jan 22, 2012 . And then there's this guy, Malte Jehmlich, a geek with lots of cardboard, a web- cam and an RC car! His hobby project/interactive video game . Jan 4, 2012 . German designer Malte Jehmlich and friends have made a cardboard representation of the classic PlayStation title. Made up of wood, . Aug 10, 2010 . That's what Malte Jehmlich and company used to create this rendition ofWipeout, which moves practically as fast as the PlayStation original . News. The Random Grand Prix 2012. Südstadt by Nils Voges, Malte Jehmlich and Nicolai Skopalik, Germany, 2012. THE RUNAWAY TURTLE AWARD (2012) . Sep 2, 2010 . I've seen many cartoons of kids controlling their RC cars like they command their pet dogs. So fake! But this Malte Jehmlich's creation is surreal.
Sehen Sie sich das Karriere-Profil von Malte Jehmlich (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und . Aug 10, 2010 . Malte Jehmlich has built an arcade game where you control a car. But the car is a real R/C car equipped with a camera running on a cardboard . Mar 19, 2012 . A german chap, Malte Jehmlich, who created an interactive video game installation featuring a racing arcade, rc cars and a lot of cardboard . Aug 6, 2010 . Malte Jehmlich and Matthes Mikysec from sputnic. tv have designed and built a real world Wipeout-style track added a converted arcade . Aug 4, 2010 . Was Malte Jehmlich und Matthes Mikysec von sputnic. tv in der FabrikKrefeld installiert haben, ist ein einmalig verschachtelter Game-Hybrid: . sputnic sind: Malte Jehmlich, Nicolai Skopalik und Nils Voges. Works. sputnic - nicolai skopalik, nils voges, malte jehmlich. Quote. Kollektiv im Spannungsfeld . Malte Jehmlich is as primitive and inspiring as the the Vanuatu natives who devoted themselves to cargo worship after World War II! Try to imagine. It's 2010 and . Aug 10, 2010 . German designer Malte Jehmlich and company created this real-life rendition of Wipeout with just a webcam, an R/C car and a race-track made.
. DJ Größe Jack Tennis und anderen, ist sicher die Berliner Premiere der Installation Racer 0. 2 von Malte Jehmlich. Mehr Infos unter http://amaze-festival. de . Aug 4, 2010 . Conceived by Malte Jehmlich and taking inspiration from PlayStation series WipEout, Racer puts the player behind a remote wheel, taking . All the engineers need to do is add a roll cage to the R/C and you would have endless uninterrupted hours of game play. Job well done Malte Jehmlich. Oct 29, 2011 . Dozenten: Malte Jehmlich und Nils Voges (sputnic. tv) Animation/Kostüm/ Szenenbild/Bühne/Drehbuch/Kamera/Figuren: Christina Lukacs Ton: . Aug 5, 2010 . The project is the idea of Malte Jehmlich. He decided to create a track out of cardboard reminiscent of the Wipeout tracks. He then hooked up a . Aug 8, 2010 . Creator Malte Jehmlich built a semi-enclosed track for his video-enabled R/C cars to run on, and an arcade-style monitor and controller setup, . concept & design: Malte Jehmlich / sputnic. tv electronics:Matthes Mikysec production assistance: Artur Gerz, Eleni Giannakoudis (plus many many more… thank . Aug 9, 2010 . Malte Jehmlich and his comrades are behind the creation, which includes a full race track made from cardboard, a modified arcade racing . .