Nash-Dodds Index: 33432
Melinda Rackham is an artist and theorist based in Sydney Australia, who has been working online since the mid 1990's in her domain www. subtle. net. . by Melinda Rackham. Published on 01/25/2009. | 0 Comments . Melinda Rackham. I regularly write and speak on the intertwining cultural issues and aesthetic . Re: <nettime> crush: a response to crash melinda rackham <melinda {AT} subtle. net> Simon Biggs <simon {AT} babar. demon. co. uk> . -empyre-, screen installation of networked forum on digital media arts and culture, Networked 2004, curated by Melinda Rackham. Australian Centre for the . Melinda Rackham is an artist, writer, curator and media consultant based in Sydney, Australia, who has been working online since 1995 and is the producer of . Disclaimer: Galaxy is not affiliated in any way with the Installation | sculpture | design + melinda rackham (www. subtle. net/sculpt. html) website. . Melinda Rackham Sydney based artist, writer and curator Dr Melinda Rackham has worked with Networked Media for the past decade. Her award winning web works . For over fifteen years Melinda Rackham has engaged with emergent practices and hybrid artforms as a pioneering networked artist, critic, curator,.
Melinda Rackham is the Director of the Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT), Australia's leading cultural organisation working at the . Jul 7, 2004 . To: "soft_skinned_space" <empyre@lists. cofa. unsw. edu. au>; Subject: Re: [-empyre- ] otherness; From: "Melinda Rackham" <melt2@pacific. net. au> . Presentations by Steve Dietz (Curator of ISEA 2006 in San Jose), Melinda Rackham (Director of the Australian Network for Art and Technology) and Anna . Melinda Rackham. The Analytical Engine weaves algebraic patterns just as the . Melinda Rackham. (2009). Coded cloth: A 21st-century revolution in art, . Melinda Rackham, Carrier screen shot: Identical Machine Language, 1999 . (İ Melinda Rackham) The biotech revolution mechanisti- . Melinda Rackham, [this paper should be read in conjunction with the internet site http://www. subtle. net/carrier]. a virus burrows deep inside me, . Moderated this month by Melinda Rackham. Join us at -empyre- soft skinned space <http://www. subtle. net/empyre> . As an artist, writer and curator Dr Melinda Rackham has worked with Networked Media for the past decade investigating the.
-empyre-, screen installation of networked forum on digital media arts and culture, Networked 2004,curated by Melinda Rackham. . Jan 5, 2005 . To: "soft_skinned_space" <empyre@lists. cofa. unsw. edu. au>; Subject: [-empyre-] linking and funding; From: "Melinda Rackham" . melinda rackham, craftivism, arnolfini, bristol. seeing yourself seeing . melinda rackham: australian internet censorship legislation. online exclusive . Melinda Rackham is an artist and theorist based in Sydney. She has been working online since the mid-1990s in her domain http://www. subtle. net. . Dr. Melinda Rackham - Networked Media Arts - Australia · Horace Rackham School of Graduate Studies - University of Michigan . Melinda Rackham. Title: makes things happen; Demographic info: Fine Art | Adelaide Area, Australia. Current: Adjunct Professor at RMIT University, . carrier becoming symborg. Melinda Rackham. Full Text: HTML. ISSN 1465-4121 | Part of Go to Open Humanities Press. CM Vol 3 (2001): Virologies: Culture and . Melinda Rackham & Megan Heyward - Artists Talk . most exciting new media artists, Melinda Rackham and Megan Heyward show their CD-Rom and VRML works. .
36 photos | 142 views. items are from between 02 Feb 2007 & 03 Feb 2007. Wear Now Symposium Melinda Rackham CRW_1525. JPG by reSkin Lab . Melinda Rackham, Executive Director of the Australian Network for Art and Technology Art-Science interaction is a two-way process. The impact of science and . For example in the first Net Event of Fusion in 1999, Melinda Rackham presented «Carrier,» her VRML network about Hepatitis C, and Victoria Vesna presented . Over The Stars (Portable Worlds) Directed by Melinda Rackham Australia, Experimental, 2004, Mobile Phone Video, Color, Magnetic Stereo, 00:29 . melinda rackham, craftivism, arnolfini, bristol. seeing yourself seeing . melinda rackham: australian internet censorship legislation. online exclusive . Installation | sculpture | design + melinda rackham. Online digital art and narratives by melinda rackham. Preview Site www. subtle. net/sculpt. html . Melinda Rackham (Australia), whose screen-based digital art, sculpture and on- . . Melinda Rackham is a digital artist who has worked on-line since 1995. . Oct 29, 2009 . Initially I found myself struggling to take Melinda Rackham and Damien Everett's Carrier (becoming symborg) seriously. . .
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