Piotrek Swiatkowski. Title: Lecturer; Demographic info: Rotterdam Area, Netherlands | Research. Current: lecturer ethics, corporate social responsibility, . May 29, 2013 . Piotrek Swiatkowski: Gothic ontology or how to think constructivism? – a discussion between Deleuze and Spuybroek. 16:15 – 16:30. break15:45| Piotrek Swiatkowski. 16:15| Gothic ontology or how to think constructivism ? - a discussion between Deleuze and Spuybroek. - break -. 16:30 - 18:00 | iv/iv . Apr 11, 2013 . An Examination of the Deleuzian Choice for Continuity. 3-4. 15pm: Piotrek Swiatkowski (Radboud University Nijmegen/ Avans University for . 2013, June 18: Piotrek Swiatkowski, Dynamische genese van zin. Deleuze's analyse van de werking van het verlangen in Logique du Sens, supervisor: Philippe . Piotrek Swiatkowski is lid van Hyves. Meld je aan bij Hyves of log in om meer te bekijken!Collaborators: Aleksandra Maciejewska (dancer), Angelina Deck (dancer), Piotrek Swiatkowski (philosopher), Guests: Diane Elshout (researcher), Naomi . 3-4. 15pm: Piotrek Swiatkowski (Radboud University Nijmegen/ Avans University for Applied Sciences, Den Bosch) – Quasi-cause: Transcendence or . .
E-mail: pvhaute[a]phil. ru. nl. Piotrek Swiatkowski: Dept. of Philosophy, Radboud University -The Netherlands E-mail: p. swiatkowski[a]phil. ru. nl. Pierre MacGawJun 29, 2011 . Desire for revolution. Piotrek Swiatkowski. Gender and becoming . . Desire for revolution. Piotrek Swiatkowski. Sustainable Concepts: Deleuze . Jul 4, 2005. philosophy under Wim van Binsbergen's supervision (Louise Muller, Piotrek Swiatkowski, Stephanus Djunatan, Laura Kelly, Kirsten Seifikar, . 15:45|Piotrek Swiatkowski. 16:15| Gothic ontology or how to think constructivism? a discussion between Deleuze and Spuybroek. - break -. 16:30 – 18:00 |iv/iv . Aug 11, 2008 . Piotrek Swiatkowski. Deleuze and Psychoanalytic Theory. Nathan Widder. Negation and Disjunction: Deleuze and Melanie Klein. Gonçalo . Jan 8, 2013 . 15:45| Piotrek Swiatkowski. 16:15| Gothic ontology or how to think constructivism ? – a discussion between Deleuze and Spuybroek. - break -. 17 april 2011 . Wat dreef de Egyptenaren ertoe om zich van hun meester te willen bevrijden? Zijn het alleen de slechte economische en sociale . . Cecilia Moisio – Dancer/Choreographer; Hans Tuerlings – choreographer/ performer/photographer; Piotrek Swiatkowski – philosopher; Maxim Franke ( H. A. M. ) . .
Piotrek Swiatkowski. Junior Onderzoeker Wijsgerige Antropologie Faculteit Filosofie Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. Adres: Veelzigtstraat 25 3022 DR . Jul 12, 2010 . Piotrek Swiatkowski -‐ Phallus in the account of the dynamic genesis in Logic of Sense. Teresa Rizzo -‐ Cinematic Assemblages: Deleuze, . 27 mei 2013 . Piotrek Swiatkowski. MVO. Hessel Abbink Spaink. Lector. Vincent Rutte. Bedrijfseconomie. Ruud van Aart. Financiën gezondheidszorg. May 26, 2009 . Giefing, Markus Schlosser, Massimo Pizzingrilli, Nils Goldschmidt, Piotrek Swiatkowski, Rolf. Hetzel, Rolf Kühn, Sophie Loidolt, Tobias . Avans, contactpersoon docent Piotrek Swiatkowski. De afgelopen maanden hebben studenten van de Academie Financieel Management van Avans. 14 sept 2012 . Daarover praten we met politicoloog Mariwan Kanie, filosoof Michiel Leezenberg en filosoof Piotrek Swiatkowski. Wij vroegen de Iraakse . 24 aug 2011 . Daarover praten we met politicoloog Mariwan Kanie, filosoof Michiel Leezenberg en filosoof Piotrek Swiatkowski. Wij vroegen de Iraakse . Page Header Image. Overview · Program · Presentations and . .
Piotrek Popowski Piotrek Duell Piotrek Monsiorski Piotrek Jadzewicz Piotrek Swiatkowski Piotrek Noszczynski Piotrek Przybylski Piotrek Miller Piotrek PlaskonFeb 3, 2011 . Phil Turetzky The Third Synthesis of Time as Rhythmic Production 3. 45 Deleuze and Psychoanalysis Chair: Brent Adkins Piotrek Swiatkowski . .