Ron Loya. PO Box 1170. Mariposa Ca. 95338. Phone 209-966-3692. E-mail: . Ed Drechsler and Ron Loya and Board President Sylvia Emery and the many . For More Information, Contact: Ron Loya. Mariposa Museum and History Center Incorperated. mmhc@sti. net ยท www. mariposamuseum. com 5119 Jessie Street . RON LOYA. RMO/Partner. What can you say about Ronnie, he likes to tinker and experiment with making things. Ron is a man of many talents, as a third . Apr 11, 2012 . Ron Loya established the Adopt-A-Plot program a year ago because some tombstones were in such bad shape. He said, "Some of these have . 2010, Ron Loya, Player. 2009, Larry Goodwin, Player. 2009, Steve Skladany, Player. 2009, Joe Walland, Player. 2009, George Riggan, Administrator. 2009, Bill . Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gervais Carol Haberchak, In Memory of Warren Francis Muhr Ron Loya, Jr. , In Honor of all Vietnam Veterans Robert J. Moffe Mr. Richard L. Oct 27, 2011. guides a 9x9-inch pole to a new 2-stamp mill on Tuesday. Also wearing Clamper red are the center's Ron Loya (rear) and Mike Wenrich. Dec 30, 2010 . This is an original song written by Me, Cameron Sean. Hope you enjoy! As always, "Fly With Christ" C-ron Loya!.
Called to Order at 5:35pm: The following members present: D-1 Ron Loya, D-3 Mary Ann Visher, D-4 Deni Smith, D-5 Ort Holden Peter Rei, Public Works . Aug 9, 2012 . Mining history enthusiast Ron Loya (at left) helps position a rare Chilean mill that arrived at the Mariposa Museum and History Center this week . Aug 9, 2012 . Mining history enthusiast Ron Loya (at left) helps position a rare Chilean mill that arrived at the Mariposa Museum and History Center this week . Called to Order at 5:35pm: The following members present: D-1 Ron Loya, D-3 Mary Ann Visher, D-5 Ort Holden, At-Large Deni Smith, At-Large Jeff Harsha, . Walk Main Street. Talk to the locals. Some are real characters. Ron Loya, for example, and fellow docents Gary Williams and Ed Drechsler will explain solid rock . Ed Drechsler and Ron Loya and Board President Sylvia Emery and the many others who have been instrumental in this acquisition, we are able to preserve this . Ed Drechsler and Ron Loya and Board President Sylvia Emery and the many others who have been instrumental in this acquisition, we are able to preserve this . Jun 5, 2009 . Jessica Caye Haning was the Valedictorian of 2009. This is her speech. Congratulations Jessica and all other Graduates! -C~ron Loya.
Ed Drechsler and Ron Loya and Board President Sylvia Emery and the many others who have been instrumental in this acquisition, we are able to preserve this . Ed Drechsler and Ron Loya and Board President Sylvia Emery and the many others who have been instrumental in this acquisition, we are able to preserve this . Ed Drechsler and Ron Loya and Board President Sylvia Emery and the many others who have been instrumental in this acquisition, we are able to preserve this . Ed Drechsler and Ron Loya and Board President Sylvia Emery and the many others who have been instrumental in this acquisition, we are able to preserve this . Feb 22, 2012 . Ed Drechsler and Ron Loya and Board President Sylvia Emery and the many others who have been instrumental in this acquisition, we are . Ed Drechsler and Ron Loya and Board President Sylvia Emery and the many others who have been instrumental in this acquisition, we are able to preserve this . Ed Drechsler and Ron Loya and Board President Sylvia Emery and the many others who have been instrumental in this acquisition, we are able to preserve this . Mar 15, 2011 . Ron Loya presents this program to the BOS about maintaining the cemetery in Mariposa with volunteers. Mr. Loya mentions that erosion.
Apr 4, 2012 . Merced Sun-Star - SUN-STAR PHOTO BY MARCI STENBERG Ron Loya, left, and Ed Drechsler get ready to run a stamp mill at the Mariposa . Ed Drechsler and Ron Loya and Board President Sylvia Emery and the many others who have been instrumental in this acquisition, we are able to preserve this . May 27, 2011 . Ed Drechsler and Ron Loya and Board President Sylvia Emery and the many others who have been instrumental in this acquisition, we are . Ed Drechsler and Ron Loya and Board President Sylvia Emery and the many others who have been instrumental in this acquisition, we are able to preserve this . May 27, 2011 . Ed Drechsler and Ron Loya and Board President Sylvia Emery and the many others who have been instrumental in this acquisition, we are . Ed Drechsler and Ron Loya and Board President Sylvia Emery and the many others who have been instrumental in this acquisition, we are able to preserve this . Ed Drechsler and Ron Loya and Board President Sylvia Emery and the many others who have been instrumental in this acquisition, we are able to preserve this . Jul 7, 2012 . Ron Loya talked in May to Peter Rei about our concerns about the Midpines Park . Peter has agreed to tackle all our concerns, i. e. the . .