alesh macak

autoscopia: alesh_macakVisit Alesh macak's profile on Vimeo. Use Vimeo to share the videos you make with the people you want. Its free to join and really easy to use. Feb 1, 2010 . by Alesh macak. 1 year ago 1 year ago: Mon, Feb 1, 2010 12 . Alesh macak. 1 year ago. Melbourne, OZ. No contacts 6 videos. Alesh macak . Alesh Macak's intricate hand-drawn, stop-motion animations are gateways into zones of alchemy and transformation; spaces lined with shadows and curiosities, . Eugenia Lim, Sam Smith, Mark Rodda, Alesh Macak, Benjamin Ducroz, Benjamin Forster, Brown Council, Simone Hine & Linda Neil, Belle Bassin, Rowan McNaught, . Alesh Macak, Pip Ryan, Sherry McLane Alejos, Kellie Wells, Nick Tammens, Sarah Haywood, Natalie Thomas, Kylie Wilkinson, Alex Rizkalla and Julie Davies. . Alesh Macak: April, 2009 feature artist. Having recently graduated from the Victorian College of the Arts in the Bachelor of Fine Arts (Painting) in 2008, . Exhibition of finalists: Stephanie Cheek, Claire Gallagher, Melanie Irwin, Rachel Joy, Kaori Kato, Alesh Macak, Taree Mackenzie, Margaret Manchee,.

Other Exhibitions. Malcolm Lloyd, Craig Burgess and Mia Kenway. Heidi Freihaut · Rebecca Joseph · Group show · Alesh Macak. 16 March to 2 April . Facebook users with the last name "Macak". Search Facebook for more people that share the last name "Macak".

Other Exhibitions. Malcolm Lloyd, Craig Burgess and Mia Kenway. Heidi Freihaut · Rebecca Joseph · Group show · Alesh Macak. 16 March to 2 April . Facebook users with the last name "Macak". Search Facebook for more people that share the last name "Macak".

Other Exhibitions. Malcolm Lloyd, Craig Burgess and Mia Kenway. Heidi Freihaut · Rebecca Joseph · Group show · Alesh Macak. 16 March to 2 April . Facebook users with the last name "Macak". Search Facebook for more people that share the last name "Macak".

Other Exhibitions. Malcolm Lloyd, Craig Burgess and Mia Kenway. Heidi Freihaut · Rebecca Joseph · Group show · Alesh Macak. 16 March to 2 April . Facebook users with the last name "Macak". Search Facebook for more people that share the last name "Macak". .