Identity Games: Globalization and the Transformation of Media Cultures in the New Europe, by Aniko Imre. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 2009. . Anikó Imre and Alice Bardan / University of Southern California (7); Dracu- fictions and Brand Romania Anikó Imre and Alice Bardan / University of Southern . Panel Discussion with Aniko Imre, Henry Jenkins, Reed Johnson, Fabian Wagmister . Anikó Imre is an Assistant Professor of Critical Studies at USC's School . Anikó Imre is Assistant Professor of Critical Studies in the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California. . Anikó Imre, Árpád Krivánszky, László Suhayda, Béla Szabó, János Szekeres Associate Editors: . aniko. imre@naturephotomagazine. com. Nature Photo Magazine . Popular Television in Eastern and Southern Europe: Amazon. ca: Aniko Imre, Timothy Havens, . Introduction: Popular (Post)Socialist Television Aniko Imre, . aniko-imre-and-alice-bardan-university-of-southern-california/>. . The Blackwell Companion to East European Cinema, Ed. Aniko Imre. Blackwell, . Introduction: Popular (Post)Socialist Television Aniko Imre, Timothy Havens, . Aniko Imre is an Assistant Professor of Critical Studies at the School of.
May 7, 2010 . Branding Romania II, or, the End of Choice Anikó Imre and Alice Bardan / University of Southern California. Contributors include John C. Hawley, Cheryl Temple Herr, Anikó Imre, Christopher Kelen, Alfred J. López, Diane Roberts, Frances B. Singh, Melissa Steyn, . Currently, the program is directed by Steve Anderson, with faculty including Scott Fisher, Anne Balsamo, Kathy Smith, Aniko Imre, Henry Jenkins, . Sep 29, 2008 . Aniko Imre (USC) “Roma Music and Transnational Homelessness” Caterina Pasqualino (Paris) “The Gypsies, Poor but Happy: A Cinematic Myth”. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, which featured work by Velina Hasu Houston, Aniko Imre, Tara McPherson, and D. Travers Scott. . May 6, 2011 . Panel Discussion with Aniko Imre, Henry Jenkins, Reed Johnson, Fabian Wagmister Moderated by Kenneth Rogers, Media and Cultural Studies, . Apr 30, 2010 . Aniko Imre on "gender, sexuality, and post-socialist transitions. " In Zvonimir Juric and Goran Devic's Croatian war-set drama The Blacks, . Marciniak, Katarzyna, Aniko Imre and Aine O'Healy. Transnational Feminism in Film and Media. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. Miller, Francesca. .
Marciniak, Katarzyna, Aniko Imre and Aine O'Healy. Transnational Feminism in Film and Media. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. Miller, Francesca. . Feb 27, 2010 . Aniko Imre, University of Southern California. About the authors: William Brown teaches Film Studies at the University of St Andrews. . Results 11 - 20 of 50 . Professors: Aniko Imre; Gabriela Taylor; Janani Subramanian. Terms: Fall 10-11 Spring 10-11 Fall 11-12 | Credits: 4 . Dracu-fictions and Brand Romania Anikó Imre and Alice Bardan . “Vampire Branding: Romania's Dark Destinations. ” Alice Bardan and Aniko Imre. Aniko Ilyes · Aniko Immerfroh · Aniko Imre · Aniko Inada · Aniko Inka Gemes · Aniko Inouye · Aniko Isakov · Aniko Isakova · Aniko Isrial · Aniko Ivanics . Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2002; Aniko Imre and Ginette Verstraete, eds. . Ed. Katarzyna Marciniak, Aniko Imre, andAine O'Healy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, . begin what Aniko Imre, Katarzyna Marciniak and Aine O'Healy (2009, pp. 386–7) call 'a contemporary transcultural dialogue' in which 'feminism . The Politics of Hiccups: National Cinema with National Language, ' Aniko Imre, pages 8 - 17. # ' Two Stories, One Right, One Wrong: Narrative,.
Aniko Imre: White man, white mask: Mephisto meets Venus Therese Grisham: Processes of subjectification in Fassbinder's I Only Want You to Love Me . Asu Aksoy (Goldsmiths), Connie Christiansen (Roskilde University), Adrian Favell (Aarhus University), Aniko Imre (University of Southern California), . The Foreignness of Race Aniko Imre / USC. Posted by Aniko Imre / University of Southern California on December 18th, 2009 1 Comment Printer-Friendly . Aniko Imre, University of Washington. Andr,s Boz6ki, ed. Intellectuals and Politics in Central Europe. Budapest: Central European. University Press, 1999. . Panel Discussion with Aniko Imre, Henry Jenkins, Reed Johnson, Fabian Wagmister Moderated by Kenneth Rogers, Media and Cultural Studies, UC Riverside . Anne Kaun (2010): Review: Aniko Imre: Identity Games. In: Medien und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 1/10. Anne Kaun (2008): Review: Helena Srubar: Ambivalenzen. let alone the exclusive, domain of governments, NGOs, activist organizations and the social sciences. ' -- Aniko Imre, University of Southern California . This issue features columns from Aniko Imre, Lisa Parks, Christine Quail, Serra Tinic and Lisa Kelly. This issue's columns in brief: Gypsy Stars in the New . .