Igor Štromajer (Virtualna baza Intima - www. intima. org) je medmrežni umetnik, . Igor Štromajer Intima Virtual Base Virtualna baza Intima Igor Stromajer . Martina Ruhsam and Vlado G. Repnik performing about Igor Stromajer . 41 Contacts; /; 19 People Added Intima | Igor Štromajer; /; 24 People Subscribed to Intima | Igor Štromajer. Contacts 1-19 of 19. or cancel . channels that Intima | Igor Štromajer. subscribes to . Ballettikka . BI Nipponnikka @ USTREAM: Ballettikka Internettikka: Nipponnikka -- Internet Ballet by Igor Stromajer & Brane Zorman -- www. intima. org/bi/bin -- Live Inter. Jun 11, 2007 . Igor Stromajer's Internet oeuvre is characterized by the substitution of the traditional theatre space by the use of the Internet for his . 8 mar 2011 . Igor Štromajer bo v Trubarjevi hiši literature predstavil svoje intermedijske umetniške projekte, s poudarkom na uporabi računalniškega . craimann Well. about Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Hölderlin and others. der Klassische Deutsche Philosophie.
Davide Grassi and Igor Stromajer (Problemarket. com - the Problem Stock Exchange) will officially open dPAPd - the Displaced Problemarket. com Art-Problems . Kino Udarnik, sreda, 24. 11. 2010 ob 18. 00. EPK 12 – mobilne prestavitve. regija: Novo Mesto. Umetnika: IGOR ŠTROMAJER + BRANE ZORMAN . Igor Stromajer (intimate mobile communicator) researches tactical emotional . Igor Stromajer: There is no greater intimacy then the public and vice verse. . VIDEO WJS RoboMarseillaise Igor Stromajer Kiberpipa, Ljubljana . live WJ-s performance by Igor Stromajer, Intima Virtual Base http://www. intima. org . Download or subscribe to free podcast episodes from radioCona: Maja Lubarda in Igor Štromajer: Pogovor o digitalnem zapisu in avtorstvu kode / Discussion . Mar 12, 2010 . Ballettikka Internettikka (Internet Ballet / Aeronauttikka by Igor Stromajer & Brane Zorman) on the cover of Pasatiempo – The New Mexican's . Igor Stromajer will be performing online from Hamburg . . Igor Stromajer ( Intima Virtual Base – www. intima. org) is an intimate mobile communicator. . Official proposal for the Ballettikka Internettikka Antarcttikka Mission Patch. http://twitpic. com/4gtcby.
12 sep 2006. Andreja Rauch Gerardjan Rijnders Jan Ritsema Ivani Santana Dimitrina Sevova Nicolas Siepen & Tara Herbst Igor Štromajer UBERMORGEN. . Igor Stromajer www. intima. org -- is an intimate mobile communicator. His oeuvre comprises 70 projects presented at 100 exhibitions in 50 countries on all . To download and subscribe toradioCona: Maja Lubarda in Igor Štromajer: Pogovor o digitalnem zapisu in avtorstvu kode / Discussion about digital data and s . by Igor Stromajer ([1] Jussi Parrikka; [2] Alexander R. Galloway; . Igor Stromajer (Intima Virtual Base - www. intima. org) is an intimate mobile . Jan 30, 2011 . OMISSIVE ART by Igor Štromajer . Artists: Katarina Zdjelar, Zoran Todorović, Bojan Fajfrić, Igor Štromajer | Curated by Milan Tutunović . by Igor Štromajer and Brane Zorman Location: Media Kunst Labor 8. 45 pm. Pecha Kucha Presentation Marko Batista, Janez Janša, Neven Korda, Luka Prinčič . May 18, 2009 . A project by Igor Štromajer + Brane Zorman. Ballettikka Internettikka is a series of tactical art projects which began in 2001 with the . RT @arts_numeriques Matthijs Munnik on "Microscopic Opera" on V2 Institute for the Unstable Media | http://bit. ly/gQneYg - @V2unstable.
Dec 5, 2007 . Ballettikka Internettikka by Igor Stromajer, Brane Zorman in collaboration with . Igor Stromajer is an intimate mobile communicator. . by Igor Stromajer & Brane Zorman, New Delhi, Saturday, January 28th, 2006. low- tech IT e-Bollywood. Stromajer sang HTML & Java. MC Brane manipulated MP3 . José Luis Brea, Mark Amerika, Igor Stromajer, Antonio Cerveira Pinto, Remedios Zafra,. Juan Martín Prada,Laura Baigorri, Olia Lialina, Auriea Harvey &. Bacchus Barua, Poonam Barua, Zazie, Nathalie Boseul Shin, Shankar Barua, Lawrence Casserley, Aparna Panshikar, Igor Stromajer, Basak Senova, Beat Brogle . 20. Apr. 1999 . Der erste Auftritt von Igor Stromajer war ein Überraschungscoup: Bei dem Netzkunstwettbewerb "Extension" der Hamburger Kunsthalle 1997 kam, . Jul 4, 2009. Martina Ruhsam, Igor Štromajer, Veronika Zott July 4, 2009 Koroška Gallery of Fine Arts / Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti, . Sm. N-Sprinking Menstrual Navigator, Igor Stromajer, 2000. . Igor Stromajer was born in Slovenia in 1967. He started out in theatre, directing plays and . With Annie Abrahams, Ruth Catlow, Paolo Cirio, Ursula Endlicher, Nicolas Frespech and Igor Stromajer. Selected for Stuttgarter Film Winter no 24 . .