jon grantham

autoscopia: jon_granthamJon Grantham. PO Box 3694. Crofton, MD 21114. Welcome to www. pseudoprime. com! Here are some things on the site you might want to visit: . Jon Grantham's Family Tree. I need to clean up this page soon. Until then . FROBENIUS PSEUDOPRIMES. Jon Grantham. July 16, 1998. Abstract. The . Jon Grantham. Colleges: Central Michigan University. Degrees: Bachelor of Music Education, K-12 endorsement. Subjects Taught: . Jon Grantham. Expertise. Town and country planning . Jon Grantham, Principal, is a chartered town planner with over 20 years experience. . Jon Grantham. I graduated from the University of Michigan with a B. S. in Mathematics in 1992. I am currently working on my Ph. D. in computational number . BibTeX | Add To MetaCart. @MISC{Grantham_aprobable, author = {Jon Grantham}, title = {A Probable Prime Test With High Confidence}, year = {} . Jon Grantham IDA/CCS. The problem of finding a number that is simultaneously a Fermat pseudoprime base 2 and a Fibonacci pseudoprime is commonly referred to .

Mar 22, 2010 . Jon Grantham (C. Pomerance), Frobenius Pseudoprimes. . The research of Jon Grantham is featured in a June 13th, 1997, article in the . Jon Grantham When do we get our records?? January 21, 2010 at 9:38pm . Jon Grantham Stupid Chad broke his arm!!! March 27, 2010 at 9:27pm . Jon Grantham wrote: Should I know what a CVP is? CVP is not defined in any of the three ASLSK rulebooks, but if you read through the entire . by Jon Grantham. Math. Comp. Add To MetaCart . author = {Jon Grantham}, title = {Frobenius Pseudoprimes}, journal = {Math. Comp}, year = {}, . Dr. Nathan Grantham, Dr. Jon Grantham, Dr. Jonathon Grantham. Dr. Jonathan Grantham, MD may also be known as: Doctor Jonathan Grantham, Dr. Jonathan . Jan 21, 2011 . Band Director Jon Grantham said he choked up to hear that because those five charter buses return from band reviews as late as 1 a. m. . There are seventeen of them less than a billion; Jon Grantham has proved that there are infinitely many Perrin pseudoprimes. . JON GRANTHAM. Abstract. We define g(n) to be the maximal order of an element . JON GRANTHAM. To see this, recall the fact that we can write any a e Sn as.

Jon Grantham. Publisher. American Mathematical Society Boston, MA, USA. Bibliometrics. Downloads (6 Weeks): n/a, Downloads (12 Months): n/a, Citation Count: . Contact With The Enemy. A wargaming podcast with Martin Burke, Jon Grantham and Paul Glenn. Thursday, November 11, 2010. Paul's New Gaming Blog . JON GRANTHAM. ABSTRACT. We define g(n) to be the maximal order of an element of . JON GRANTHAM. To see this, recall the fact that we can write any a E S, . About: Jon Grantham, Paul Glenn, and others discuss the playing and collecting of wargames. The conversation is about games and the conflicts on which . Feb 19, 2011 . We Arizonans will continue to follow his career with interest. Jon Grantham. Retired, Tucson. Copyright 2011 Arizona Daily Star. . First Home Game - Friday, September 5, 2008 Amador Valley High School Marching Band from Pleasanton, CA (under the direction of Jon Grantham) performs . Originally commissioned by: Amador Valley H. S. , Pleasanton, California – Jon Grantham, Director Published By: Key Poulan Music Duration: 7:59 . THE HUNT. As recorded by Tommy Emmanuel. (From the 1980 Album THE JOURNEY). Transcribed by Jon Grantham. Music by Tommy Emmanuel. Arranged by Tommy Emmanuel .

Sep 7, 2008 . Amador Valley High School Marching Band from Pleasanton, CA (under the direction of Jon Grantham) performs during the home football game . Christina Ruiz Grantham ('93) and Jon Grantham, University Park, MD: twin sons, Jon F. and Salem Christopher. 7/9/10. Wake Forest Fellows . In number theory, a Frobenius pseudoprime is a composite number which passes a three-step probable prime test set out by Jon Grantham in section 3 of his . Jon Grantham, Catrin Owens and Elisabeth Davies, all Land Use Consultants, under contract to the European Commission (contract n° 30-CE-021568/00-41). . Jun 10, 2005. and described by Jon Grantham (1998). However, I have not employed the extra strong Lucas test in the Baillie-PSW test, as the Lucas . The affordability of these studies onlymakes the book that much better. " ~ Jon Grantham. Exercise Books. Marching Band Warm-Ups. Chorales . Jon Grantham. (grantham). United States University Park Maryland . Jon Grantham. (grantham). United States University Park Maryland . Jon Grantham ~ Ronald Greenberg ~ Alan Grenadir ~ Michael Griffin ~ Daniel Grubb . Letter B artists. Music, MP3, MP3s, music downloads, music samples,.

1995-1999. Jon Grantham. 1981-1985. Tonya Anderson. 1983-1987. Daniel Johnson. 1979-1983. Michael Moore. 1981-1985. Blair Sermons. 1991-1995 . Jon Grantham, IDA/CCS Sam Gross, USC Farshid Hajir, UMass Amherst Jaroslav Hancl , University of Ostrava, Czech Republic Kevin James, Clemson University . Author(s): Jon Grantham. Journal: Math. Comp. 70 (2001), 873-891. MSC (2000): Primary 11Y11 Posted: March 1, 2000 MathSciNet review: 1680879 . Frobenius Pseudoprimes (Jon Grantham). Andrew Granville · Anatomy of Integers, ed. Jean-Marie De Koninck, Andrew Granville, Florian Luca, CRM Proceedings . Mar 4, 2011 . If you have any questions contact, Jon Grantham, the Festival Coordinator , or the Area III representative. . I hope you're letting the organisrs know of that gap in their planning. Send to friend. Show/hide user stats. Jon Grantham . Similar names: Jack Grantham, Johnny Grantham, Jonathan Grantham, Jon Grantham. Find John Grantham, Gonzales TX. Name/AKAs, Age, City, State, Address . Jon Grantham - Texas Tod Fischesser - Florida Robert LeCour - Louisiana Tanya & James Taylor - Delaware Gabriel Perez - Florida Gale Touchstone - Texas . .