melinda rackham

autoscopia: melinda_rackhamOnline digital art and narratives, publication, reviews, and articles by melinda rackham. online digital art and narratives by melinda rackham. Melinda Rackham is an Australian Networked Media Artist, Writer and Curator who founded and produced the influential -empyre- online media arts forum . Nov 10, 2009 . Over the past fifteen years Melinda Rackham has engaged with emergent practices and hybrid artforms as a pioneering networked artist, . Melinda Rackham is an award winning internet artist, writer, producer and curator, with a background in sculpture, installation and performance, . Melinda Rackham is a digital artist who has worked on-line since 1995. Her recent interactive artwork Carrier (shown here, © Melinda Rackham, . Melinda Rackham is an artist, designer and writer residing in east coast Australia, who has been working online since 1995 in her domain www. subtle. net, . Electrofringe 2009 - Christian Malejka and Melinda Rackham at the John Paynter Gallery. Photo: Somaya Langley.

Melinda Rackham. posted by: Girish Sagaram on November 23, 2009, 6:11 pm. Melinda Rackham. November 23rd, 2009 | Category: Plastic Futures 1 . May 9, 2001 . Melinda Rackham: My viral bodies, my infectious agents are all about steaming open protoplasmic envelopes, penetrating cellular cores, . Melinda Rackham and Damien Everett. carrier (becoming symborg). The hepatitis C virus is hauntingly personified in this portmanteau multimedia piece. . Melinda Rackham. ANAT Director. Posted in Melinda Rackham | 3 Comments ». You are currently browsing the archives for the Melinda Rackham category. . by Melinda Rackham. Published on 01/25/2009. | 0 Comments . Melinda Rackham. I regularly write and speak on the intertwining cultural issues and aesthetic . Melinda Rackham is an artist and writer based in Sydney Australia, who has been working online since the mid 1990's in her domain www. subtle. net . Melinda Rackham, [this paper should be read in conjunction with the internet site http://www. subtle. net/carrier]. a virus burrows deep inside me, . Immersed in soft space : an interview with Melinda Rackham. Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl. handle. net/1959. 14/34856.

Dr Melinda Rackham is the Director of the Australian Network for Art and Technology. ANAT is Australia's leading cultural organisation working at the . Mar 5, 2007 . Melinda Rackham www. subtle. net. is a net. artist and writer based in Sydney, Australia, who has been working online since the mid 1990's in . Melinda Rackham. Categories: Virtual Reality. Keywords: Space . Australia. Melinda Rackham «Empyrean». Coming soon. Credits Quote generator. Dr. Melinda Rackham is an artist, writer and curator based in Sydney, Australia. Since the mid-1990's her practice has . Melinda Rackham Sydney based artist, writer and curator Dr Melinda Rackham has worked with Networked Media for the past decade. Her award winning web works . Melinda Rackham. photo of Melinda. www. subtle. net/empyrean · e-mail Melinda >. Arts Interests, >, Networked. Science Interests, >, Health Science, . -empyre-, screen installation of networked forum on digital media arts and culture, Networked 2004, curated by Melinda Rackham. Australian Centre for the . Melinda Rackham E-mail: curator@subtle. net. Curator, Coded Cloth Exhibition Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT) 29 October--19 December 2008 .

Melanie Roden And Natasha Nealon, hometown, 0, 1, 1, 024. Melinda Rackham, hometown, 0, 0, 0, 050. Michelle Dhillon, 23, Nottingham, 2, 2, 4, 019 . University of New South Wales, Melinda Rackham, 'carrier becoming symborg' - Melinda Rackham is a net. artist and writer living in Sydney, Australia who has . Amanda Matulick; 2009/11/12 [Ada_list] Deadline approaching -- SCANZ 2011: Eco sapiens trudy lane; 2009/11/09 [Ada_list] Vale Nick Waterlow Melinda Rackham . Melinda Rackham, Carrier screen shot: Identical Machine Language, 1999 . (İ Melinda Rackham) The biotech revolution mechanisti- . Presentations by Steve Dietz (Curator of ISEA 2006 in San Jose), Melinda Rackham (Director of the Australian Network for Art and Technology) and Anna . the dimensional internet: melinda rackham . 3D works by John Klima (USA), Feng Mengbo (China), Michael Pinsky (UK), Melinda Rackham (Australia), . Melinda Rackham is an artist and theorist based in Sydney Australia, who has been working online since the mid 1990's in her domain www. subtle. net. . Moderated this month by Melinda Rackham. Join us at -empyre- soft skinned space <http://www. subtle. net/empyre>.

Melinda Rackham is an artist, writer, curator and media consultant based in Sydney, Australia, who has been working online since 1995 and is the producer of . 10000 Euro Stipend/Call for applications, Melinda Rackham 14 days ago . call for papers : energy, Melinda Rackham 15 days ago . keith gallasch talks with ANAT's melinda rackham . Overall, Melinda Rackham feels that emerging practices, like work in techno-wearables, . Jan 28, 2010 . Melinda Rackham, formerly the director of the Australian Network for Art & Technology, and now curator of Emerging Art Forms and professor . Melinda Rackham. "Coded Cloth: A 21st-Century Revolution in Art, Fashion and Design. " Leonardo 42. 5 (2009): 386-388. Project MUSE. . Dr. Melinda Rackham - Networked Media Arts - Australia · Horace Rackham School of Graduate Studies - University of Michigan . Melinda Rackham. Title: makes things happen; Demographic info: Fine Art | Adelaide Area, Australia. Current: Facillitator at Australian Centre for Virtual . Dr Melinda Rackham (NSW) is an artist, writer and curator based in Sydney. Her award winning web works investigate the . .