Melinda Rackham. posted by: Girish Sagaram on November 23, 2009, 6:11 pm. Melinda Rackham. November 23rd, 2009 | Category: Plastic Futures 1 . May 9, 2001 . Melinda Rackham: My viral bodies, my infectious agents are all about steaming open protoplasmic envelopes, penetrating cellular cores, . Melinda Rackham and Damien Everett. carrier (becoming symborg). The hepatitis C virus is hauntingly personified in this portmanteau multimedia piece. . Melinda Rackham. ANAT Director. Posted in Melinda Rackham | 3 Comments ». You are currently browsing the archives for the Melinda Rackham category. . by Melinda Rackham. Published on 01/25/2009. | 0 Comments . Melinda Rackham. I regularly write and speak on the intertwining cultural issues and aesthetic . Melinda Rackham is an artist and writer based in Sydney Australia, who has been working online since the mid 1990's in her domain www. subtle. net . Melinda Rackham, [this paper should be read in conjunction with the internet site http://www. subtle. net/carrier]. a virus burrows deep inside me, . Immersed in soft space : an interview with Melinda Rackham. Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl. handle. net/1959. 14/34856.
Dr Melinda Rackham is the Director of the Australian Network for Art and Technology. ANAT is Australia's leading cultural organisation working at the . Mar 5, 2007 . Melinda Rackham www. subtle. net. is a net. artist and writer based in Sydney, Australia, who has been working online since the mid 1990's in . Melinda Rackham. Categories: Virtual Reality. Keywords: Space . Australia. Melinda Rackham «Empyrean». Coming soon. Credits Quote generator. Dr. Melinda Rackham is an artist, writer and curator based in Sydney, Australia. Since the mid-1990's her practice has . Melinda Rackham Sydney based artist, writer and curator Dr Melinda Rackham has worked with Networked Media for the past decade. Her award winning web works . Melinda Rackham. photo of Melinda. www. subtle. net/empyrean · e-mail Melinda >. Arts Interests, >, Networked. Science Interests, >, Health Science, . -empyre-, screen installation of networked forum on digital media arts and culture, Networked 2004, curated by Melinda Rackham. Australian Centre for the . Melinda Rackham E-mail: curator@subtle. net. Curator, Coded Cloth Exhibition Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT) 29 October--19 December 2008 .
Melanie Roden And Natasha Nealon, hometown, 0, 1, 1, 024. Melinda Rackham, hometown, 0, 0, 0, 050. Michelle Dhillon, 23, Nottingham, 2, 2, 4, 019 . University of New South Wales, Melinda Rackham, 'carrier becoming symborg' - Melinda Rackham is a net. artist and writer living in Sydney, Australia who has . Amanda Matulick; 2009/11/12 [Ada_list] Deadline approaching -- SCANZ 2011: Eco sapiens trudy lane; 2009/11/09 [Ada_list] Vale Nick Waterlow Melinda Rackham . Melinda Rackham, Carrier screen shot: Identical Machine Language, 1999 . (İ Melinda Rackham) The biotech revolution mechanisti- . Presentations by Steve Dietz (Curator of ISEA 2006 in San Jose), Melinda Rackham (Director of the Australian Network for Art and Technology) and Anna . the dimensional internet: melinda rackham . 3D works by John Klima (USA), Feng Mengbo (China), Michael Pinsky (UK), Melinda Rackham (Australia), . Melinda Rackham is an artist and theorist based in Sydney Australia, who has been working online since the mid 1990's in her domain www. subtle. net. . Moderated this month by Melinda Rackham. Join us at -empyre- soft skinned space <http://www. subtle. net/empyre>.
Melinda Rackham is an artist, writer, curator and media consultant based in Sydney, Australia, who has been working online since 1995 and is the producer of . 10000 Euro Stipend/Call for applications, Melinda Rackham 14 days ago . call for papers : energy, Melinda Rackham 15 days ago . keith gallasch talks with ANAT's melinda rackham . Overall, Melinda Rackham feels that emerging practices, like work in techno-wearables, . Jan 28, 2010 . Melinda Rackham, formerly the director of the Australian Network for Art & Technology, and now curator of Emerging Art Forms and professor . Melinda Rackham. "Coded Cloth: A 21st-Century Revolution in Art, Fashion and Design. " Leonardo 42. 5 (2009): 386-388. Project MUSE. . Dr. Melinda Rackham - Networked Media Arts - Australia · Horace Rackham School of Graduate Studies - University of Michigan . Melinda Rackham. Title: makes things happen; Demographic info: Fine Art | Adelaide Area, Australia. Current: Facillitator at Australian Centre for Virtual . Dr Melinda Rackham (NSW) is an artist, writer and curator based in Sydney. Her award winning web works investigate the . .