Nov 14, 2009 . Paulo Virno on neoteny 'Natural-Historical Diagrams: the 'New Global' Movement and the Biological Invariant", in The Italian Difference . was theorized by authors like Maurizio Lazzarato, Paulo Virno, . On the other hand, Paulo Virno's conception of immaterial labour is very specific. He has . On General Intellect - Paulo Virno. Virno discusses Marx's undeveloped concept of the 'general intellect', an idea that has become central to many . Jan 7, 2010 . [ii] Paulo Virno, 'Natural-Historical Diagrams: the 'New Global' Movement and the Biological Invariant", in The Italian Difference, . After describing Whitehead's philosophy of differential life in relation to interactive technics, I shall then turn to Paulo Virno's work. . speech to action, we might turn for example to Paulo Virno's account of the virtuoso's performative 'immaterial labour' as productive, in A Grammar of the . and examined Paulo Virno's idea of 'exit' as the ultimate form of resistance, the world has witnessed an intensifying fight for resources under the Arctic, . Paulo Virno argues that we need to abandon the idea that labor is simply . Paulo Virno and Michael Hardt, 261–62. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P. .
Jan 29, 2010 . networks to form and free labor to be performed and what Paulo Virno ( following Marx) calls the general intellect to operate. . See Paulo Virno "Notes on the General Intellect," in Marxism Beyond Marxism, ed. Saree Makdisi, Cesare Casarino, and Rebecca E. Karl (London: Routledge,. "Paulo Virno: Jokes and Innovative Action" by Gerald Raunig, "A New Geometry : Paulo Virno and Autonomia" by Jason Smith, "Filling the Void: The Art of . May 21, 2009 . This quotation from a recent interview with Paulo Virno (Joseph, 2005), published in Grey Room, encapsulates the interdisciplinary position . economy, but theorist Paulo Virno contends that a biopolitical social organization arises as an effect of the nature of labor under capitalism. . preface to Paulo Virno's A Grammar of the Multitude. 5 'This war [between Empire and the. Multitude] is purely mythical, and so is the destruction of capital . Jun 3, 2008 . its ostensible return to the dialectical dualism in the introduction to Paulo Virno's A Grammar of the Multitude (see external links). . Dec 3, 2004 . The Italian philosopher Paulo Virno writes that political action arrives between social . 1 Paulo Virno: A Grammar of the Multitude. .
Jul 25, 2006 . Beyond state and capital: Paulo Virno, an Italian theoretician and former member of the autonomous Left, talks with Klaus Ronneberger about . Paulo Virno and Michael Hardt (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota . . Paulo Virno, “Virtuosity and Revolution: The Political Theory of Exodus,“ in . Paulo Virno argues that the productive force of post-fordist economic activity . Paulo Virno, A Grammar of the Multitude: For an Analysis of Contemporary . such as the urge of Italian philosopher Paulo Virno to consider a non- representative democracy that might be expressed through a ”a galaxy of . Sep 16, 2009 . Yet, as the Italian Marxist Paulo Virno says, “there is no objective investigation of human nature that does not carry with it, . Alain Badiou, Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil. Bruno Latour, We Have Never Been Modern. Paulo Virno, A Grammar of the Multitude Course Reader . Paulo Virno, A Grammar of the Multitude: For an Analysis of Contemporary Forms of Life, trans. Isabella Bertoletti, James Cascaito, Andrea Casson (New York: . and examined Paulo Virno's idea of 'exit' as the ultimate form of resistance, the world has witnessed an intensifying fight for resources under the Arctic, .
Apr 29, 2009 . In accordance with Paulo Virno, the present-day crowd is a by-product of Post- Fordism. Virno comments, somewhat ironically, that on the good . Nov 1, 2008 . Paulo Virno Translated from the Italian by Isabella Bertoletti, James Cascaito, Andrea Casson. FOREWORD: We, the Multitude Sylvère Lotringer . Jan 23, 2010 . by means of a progressive remodeling of rooms, stairs, and rooftop. " Paulo Virno, from Multitude Between Innovation and Negation . referring to Austin's How To Do Things With Words, Paulo Virno states: 'In the assertion “I speak,” I do something by saying these words; moreover, . Jul 1, 2005 . The counter-revolution was in fact, in Paulo Virno's terms, a revolution in reverse: not a return to some ancien régime but a real . Jan 20, 2010 . For example, Paulo Virno and Etienne Balibar point out that the multitude lacks the internal criteria to prevent it from acting in ways . animation of this latter approach, involving what Paulo Virno describes as an ‗ engaged withdrawal' and ‗mass defection' from statist life. . This is actually different from Paulo Virno's conception of immaterial labour. Virno conceives of immaterial labour as virtuosic; meaning the 'product' is . .